That's nice that you have that expectation - but be prepared to live with disappointment. Both Wyndham AND the MRs are the bad actors here. I've always said this - both Wyndham an the rulebreakers have culpability. I sure hope everyone can see that point as valid. If you are using your account for personal use - then you have nothing to worry about. So the question that begs to be asked here then is: are you using your account for anything other than personal use?
Now let's take a step back and look at management by majority customer base. Does this change impact the majority of the ownership base? No it does not. Good businesses focus on issues that impact the majority of their customer base and practice transparency for the majority of their customer base - we are talking about a small subset of 4000 owners - likely a tenth of one percent of the ownership base - that cares about this issue in any capacity. Even given those facts - Wyndham still proactively communicated the upcoming changes to this extremely small subset of the ownership base. They are being transparent about the upcoming changes to the extent that is feasible. Tell me how it makes sense that Wyndham should tell anyone in this extremely small minority that are using their accounts for commercial use exactly how the logic works. Does Microsoft expose any substantive information as to how their systems work within the black box of Azure or Office 365? No they do not - and that's by design - because no customer is entitled to that intellectual property, even under NDA. We as Wyndham customers are also not entitled to their intellectual property with respect to the logic of how their systems function either. Honestly, why would ANY business spend time and effort attempting to appease an extremely small subset of their ownership that is likely already violating their terms of use? I don't know about you - but the logic right there makes zero sense to me.
The elephant in the room is that commercial use by owners has been conducted at the expense of Wyndham via application of VIP discounts (which Wyndham pays for) to resale contracts. I don't think the primary motivator for Wyndham here is owner availability, but rather to stop this corporate financial bleeding that has gone on for years. I do believe that there will be some small benefit to run of the mill owners in abstract, but that wasn't the main goal.