Long story short - if you are using your account for personal use - the usage pattern likely won’t trigger any flags. The usage patterns for a commercial use account vs a personal use account are sufficiently disparate that the logic used to identify the behaviors for commercial use accounts should not flag personal use accounts - and even if it does - the review process should catch the exceptions and deal with them accordingly.
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And one would hope there would be an appeals process. And a wyndham apology if they mistakenly target someone. (I’m just full of hope today, lol)
I think that is part of what frustrates me. I
get why they won’t reveal their reasoning, but they should at minimum reveal their process. Regular owners who get caught up in this madness need to know how it gets resolved. Identification is just the first step.
So if I were Wyndham I'd set up the following and tell owners about it - even if it is just in the directory:
1. Identification and letter sent with required steps the owner needs to take. And an outline of what the owner must present to rebut the accusation.
2. Rebuttal from owner or nonrebuttal (essentially an acceptance they will take the steps, without accepting the charge made by wyndham)
3. Review of the rebuttal by wyndham
4. Personal meeting (virtually) between wyndham and owner if disagreement continues.
5. Mediation if required
6. Arbitration if no agreement has been met
7. Legal proceedings if needed.