The mask causes my glasses to fog up and so I could accidentally get in a car wreck and kill some one. Now I am just stirring the pot.
If you want to wear a mask wear one if you don’t want to then don’t. Everyone has to be prepared to live with the consequences of their own actions. It could mean a fine , jail or even living with the knowledge that you infected someone you love. Still a personal choice and maybe nothing happens.
We have a speed limit. I can chose to obey it or not. If I speed I could get in a wreck and die, get a ticket, or hurt others. I could also be practicing safe driving and get hit by a drunk driver and die. We make life and death choices every day.
I have nine cousins and two of them have the Covid. Thats over 20% One is in a hospital in Dallas and another is fighting it at home in S.C. Both in mid fifties with mild case of pneumonia. I expect both to fully recover but if not than I will cry at the funerals but I will not blame anyone for thier deaths.
I am not afraid of death. I believe God is in charge and when it’s my time nothing will change that. In the mean time I will try to be as healthy as I can.
I watched both my parents die young from cancer mom at 49 dad at 62. After watching them suffer I care more about the quality of life than length of life. Personally don’t think I will see my 80’s. But if I can walk, poop, and eat on my own I am ok with it.
Look at the deaths from the flu in 2017-2018. It was a bad year for the flu but we are used to the flu. We know that it kills people and even when we have a vaccine some will choose not to take it. Their choice.
Covid is very contagious and people will die from it. Do what you think is best. Determine for yourself what is an acceptable risk for yourself and others. Don’t be afraid. Just take it one day at a time !!!
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