Just talked to the office. They are starting renovations on 6 units in phase 3. Pictures and info will be posted on EVs web page. She said they have people working on getting the info on the page by next week. Also working on getting RCI reinstated.
Not paying either. If they make improvements and ALL UNITS are in livable conditions and I get stuck paying two years of back maintenance fees, then so be it. But I need to see improvements and I need to not see terrible reviews on review sites. Someone said, you need to see it first hand to know if it really is that bad. Well unless all these people are using a computer program to make things look worse, it really is that bad.Hopefully this improves eagle village and rci situation I will not pay maintenance untill I see some improvement I got two letters from the collection company today . It seems getting information is like pulling teeth unless it's from there collection company
In my opinion only,this might be a good solution.Future maintenance fees increases along with possible special assessments will probably lead to more difficulties.TUG newsletter for this week has an article about many struggling small independent TS. One on Edisto Is (SC) had some sort of dissolution option in 2025 and voted to dissolve and sell early. I wonder what a vote to dissolve and sell at any price would look like for EV?
No one can predict the future but if a recession and higher unemployment occur later this year or in 2025 (looking increasingly likely this past week) MF compliance will certainly be an even bigger problem along with the financial viability of the recent business arrangement that EV’s survival seems to depend on. Doubly true if the BOD expects a large assessment to be paid by many owners. Not sure what their end game is. Survival of EV based only on a large number of owners paying a large assessment, even if RCI benefits return, seems pretty unrealistic.In my opinion only,this might be a good solution.Future maintenance fees increases along with possible special assessments will probably lead to more difficulties.
I have to agree.No one can predict the future but if a recession and higher unemployment occur later this year or in 2025 (looking increasingly likely this past week) MF compliance will certainly be an even bigger problem along with the financial viability of the recent business arrangement that EV’s survival seems to depend on. Doubly true if the BOD expects a large assessment to be paid by many owners. Not sure what their end game is. Survival of EV based only on a large number of owners paying a large assessment, even if RCI benefits return, seems pretty unrealistic.
Good points. I can't imagine an experienced business person would expect a windfall of profit in the first year. It can take a few years for a new business to turn a profit. I do think there is a lot of room at Eagle Village for an experienced business person to create efficient systems, improved budget allocations, employee incentives (earned comp time, status, profit sharing, etc) to encourage intrinsic motivation and encourage new benchmarks in service and performance. There are already successful business models out there that can be followed or referred to for ideas.No one can predict the future but if a recession and higher unemployment occur later this year or in 2025 (looking increasingly likely this past week) MF compliance will certainly be an even bigger problem along with the financial viability of the recent business arrangement that EV’s survival seems to depend on. Doubly true if the BOD expects a large assessment to be paid by many owners. Not sure what their end game is. Survival of EV based only on a large number of owners paying a large assessment, even if RCI benefits return, seems pretty unrealistic.
Thank you for sharing.Just an update for those of you associated with RCI, I inquired and received the following response:
Thank you for contacting RCI.
The resort is still under suspension until all request have been acknowledged and addressed. There still is no estimated date for reversal of the suspension.
I apologize for the frustration and any inconvenience this may cause. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.
Thank you for sharing this.Everyone check the Eagle Village Facebook page for an update, new management, Work as started.
I see they are bidding out for contractors. I hope they have experience in selecting contractors. Some contractors can be so corrupt. They can make false promises, sign a deal, then subcontract out cheap, inexperienced labor to do the job with minimal supervision. They find backend ways to double or triple their initial "estimates" when they open a wall and say, "we never expected this, were going to have to do a change order." then they write a recurring sequence of wildly expensive new contracts during the whole process with the same excuses to get more money. It can be a money pit if contractor selection and ongoing management of them isn't done carefully. Hopefully, they'll be on top of this potential major capital expense.New social media pages started as well. Web/Insta/Tik/Youtube
The question is what is cost for each owner? and is it going to be worth it? What/When/If RCI reinstatement will happen. Guess we still have to wait for the plan and costs.
Were they super expensive?Yes, I used them to take my sons off my deed. Fair and legit.
Or they are friends and family of people in charge getting sweetheart contractsI see they are bidding out for contractors. I hope they have experience in selecting contractors. Some contractors can be so corrupt. They can make false promises, sign a deal, then subcontract out cheap, inexperienced labor to do the job with minimal supervision. They find backend ways to double or triple their initial "estimates" when they open a wall and say, "we never expected this, were going to have to do a change order." then they write a recurring sequence of wildly expensive new contracts during the whole process with the same excuses to get more money. It can be a money pit if contractor selection and ongoing management of them isn't done carefully. Hopefully, they'll be on top of this potential major capital expense.
Hopefully not.Or they are friends and family of people in charge getting sweetheart contracts
Interesting. I visited the FB page and watched the videoNew social media pages started as well. Web/Insta/Tik/Youtube
The question is what is cost for each owner? and is it going to be worth it? What/When/If RCI reinstatement will happen. Guess we still have to wait for the plan and costs.
Great points.Interesting. I visited the FB page and watched the video
I have two concerns/questions:
1.When they state “new management” are the same office staff and manager still employed?
2.As previous posts have mentioned,will the maintenance fees remain the same and are special assessments in the future?
(It might be too early for answers regarding questions concerning the financial issues however, they are definitely an important factor. )
If it were me, i think i would start by offering a deed back in lieu of foreclosure, then not accept any phone calls from them.I spoke with Jennifer at Resale Closing, LLC in May to get my sons names off one of my deeds. They are a real-estate firm outside Stroudsburg. They have been in business 10 years. I checked up on them on BBB. She said they have been doing deedbacks, title transfers etc for EV since the other lawyer who had been doing it retired. She charged 265.00 to take the names off, notify EV and record the new deed. She said for deed backs to the POA, it is closer 2600.00, which is industry standard. When you deed back, POAs always ask for compensation to try to cover lost MF s for a couple of years. Their fee is still 265.00 regardless. It's the best thing to do. No lawyer middleman telling you he will get you out of your timeshare, and then charging you an additional fee to simply contact this firm and do the exact same thing. Resale Closing is not one of those exit companies. It is a closing firm. 2600 may sound high, but 2 years of MFs and a possible assessment would cost the same. But at least you would be done.
That’s pretty much where I am on this. I am not receiving any compensation from EV for the RCI points I am not getting this year and possibly next year too. I think RCI would be nuts to fully reinstate EV next year if all they have is a handful of renovated units. (Just fyi - I tried the feedback in lieu of a threat of foreclosure or simply having the deed tied up in my estate where they can’t do anything with it - no response from EV.)If it were me, i think i would start by offering a deed back in lieu of foreclosure, then not accept any phone calls from them.