.... If I were in a store or on a plane that definitely did not require a mask and someone else was offended then at that point who is right?
It's not about right and wrong, it's about "local rules", made by airline or biz owner. As always, you can decide where to spend your money, doing business where you want.
I just wish people would Move On if they don't like the particular rules. Don't make a stink, just go elsewhere. Like your example, putting a mask on to go in, or, decide to not go in.
Once a person goes in, they have implicitly agreed with "house rules", which usually also includes shoes and shirt. I am quite in favor of bouncing patrons, calling the cops if necessary. I don't really know why people go in and protest a clear rule. That is usually going to be the maskless. It's not going to be the mask wearers asked to remove it or get out.
We should all just be peaceful about it. We all want small business to succeed, so just do as they ask or go elsewhere. I think the next dust up is going to be a party for dinner that is larger than the restaurant or local health rules will allow. "But it's just one extra person!" Sometimes, we're going to get No for an answer, and that should be accepted.
These are tense times, let's not make it worse. There was footage of a woman body slammed for not wearing a mask. That is very much making it worse. However, she was not following the rules. Did not deserve that punishment, but, refused house rules. She could have just left, or put on the mask. I don't want to shop somewhere that rules are enforced that harshly, but it's not clear to me that it was employees laying hands on this woman. That becomes the other issue - mob rule. I'll do my share to not be part of that!