So I have the opposite problem with my spouse. He doesn't want me to go out and doesn't want our son to come over.
So I look at it differently. There is risk but by following the guidelines hand washing ,staying 6 feet away, not touching face etc my risk of catching it is low. The media invites panic and there is no reason to panic. Unfortunately, some people will get sick and some won t recover. The point of the social distancing is to slow it down, it will not eliminate it. Many of those that die, may well of died it they got the flu instead.
I find it stressful to watch the news and so try to limit it. Things that make good headlines often push the limit of truth and also seem to increase the panic. I saw an npr story and the headline made it sound like the food chain was in jepardy.....but when you the whole article that wasn't the case at all.
You say you were very sick and he didn't catch it.....maybe his immune system is better than you think.
in any case. I wish you well