I'm just sayin'...could be a nice little profit.
OK, so there are some variables that go into pricing of a week, such as how many star options, resort location, yada yada, MFs, etc, etc. Did I mention MFs? Yeah right. It seems to me that resale price can be completely controlled downward by MFs alone because a buyer looks at the annual MF and says, "I can stay in a hotel or rent a unit for $X, so yeah it is ok for me to pay that many $$ in MFs and I would be willing to pay $Y to own that timeshare." But, if the MF gets too high, the buyer says "why would I lock myself into this high MF?" So, anyway, nothing new here and many already feel this pain...
But, what Dr. Evil (Starwood) could do and it would be particularly nasty, is Dr. Evil could just continue to raise MFs faster than the market prices of renting or hotel stays, driving down the price of "resales" till it gets to the point where there are more people selling their timeshares for $1 just to get rid of the MFs and we would begin to see more and more $1 sales on ebay, etc. Then the good doctor could swoop in, exercise the ROFR and purchase a few of these for themselves... call it an investment.
Its just a story, but say Dr. Evil could buy, quite cheaply, till he owns say 20% of the outstanding units, and easily cover any loss in his highly exorbitant MFs, not to mention that these units can also be rented out. Brilliant. WhaHAHAHAHAHaaaa.
Now to make this investment grow, just push that MF lever back in the other direction. Make what is called a sweeping management change, clean house, in some way instantly cut all MFs in half!! Suddenly, Tuggers love Starwood management again, and subsequently the market prices of resales recover, giving Dr. Evil a tidy little profit as he unloads his holdings.
"Mini Me, you complete me."