A well run HOA WILL be doing something. The things they are both empowered and required to do by the rules. Collect the fees needed, bill all owners the same (per the docs), maintain & improve the resort for the owners. If they aren't doing that you need a new Board. But they CAN'T overstep their rights and commit you the owner, who bought under a tightly regulated set of convenents and regulations, to fees you never agreed to pay. IF the proper procedures of collections & legal foreclosure are followed then, and only then, the owners have agreed, by the law, they will pay the fees. No Association I know of has in the documents that they will take on any and all ownerships no longer desired by other owners & charge the remaining owners the fees. None. It is not legal to do so. Wait & see if any resort actually does it wholesale & see if the Board, management and delinquent owners aren't sued. If they are - and they should be - they will lose. It's the law.