TUG Member
You cannot and should not expect those other owners to be ready or willing to take over your obligations anymore than you would your next door neighbor in your whole owned condo to do so. They didn't sell it to you, they didn't make a buy back promise (if there even was one) and, like you, have no ready outlet to resell any condo's or weeks they get stuck with.
Saying that this group of fellow owners somehow owes it to you to handle things is wrong. They are merely operating things and hopefully maintaining and upgrading it. If the original developer / management has stayed on then I'm with you 110%. But in many cases that just isn't the way things really are and you are looking to the wrong group to solve what you now see as a problem you chose to buy into.
What you are describing is ex post facto. GHT was describing his experience with the developer, from whom all retail purchases are made. And now, the developer is either gone or saying tough cookie. Either way, the promise that he could sell back his timeshare proves to be a joke, and he would have never purchased had he known that.
Yes, you are technically correct in the unrealism of the assumption that an HOA should honor the sins of the father. But i believe that is missing the point.