So now we are calling out people who like a given post? And the shouty all caps and air quotes?Totally inaccurate! and so are the ones who gave you a "Like" on that ill-conceived post.
(Reactions: mark201235, pittle, WinniWoman, TravelTime, Cornell.)
BTW, scientific studies show droplets and mist from cough or sneeze can travel 20+ feet (scientific video animations are rampant on the internet),
so social distancing definitely helps, but is not a guarantee by any means.
Even talking can cause breath to travel beyond 6 ft. Walking by someone in a store, etc does the same, or jogging behind them, etc.
And the real point is twofold, it benefits not only the mask wearer for prevention, but those that DON'T WEAR MASKS are more likely
to transmit the virus to others (might be asymptomatic), so it's really not a personal choice or "opinion" question anymore when it affects others.
(Good job, Panina)
Online this morning:
"Wearing a face mask can reduce coronavirus transmission
by up to 75 percent, study says"
More evidence that counters the non-believers (something we've known all along):
Wearing a surgical mask can reduce coronavirus transmission by up to 75 percent, study says
Researchers on Sunday found that wearing surgical masks can significantly reduce the rate of airborne COVID-19 transmission, amid a debate over the effectiveness of wearing them during the coronavirus
Not that I owe you any information about my behavior, but yesterday when I picked my dog up from the vet that I wore a mask. Do I get a gold star on my behavior chart for that?