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Survey on new points program: Are you going to sign up?


TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Maryland, U.S.A.
Seems like most tuggers who want to join are developer week buyers. It is just(?) $695 (or so) to join. resale buyers should pay $1500 or so to join.
That makes great affect for the decision IMO.
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TUG Member
Jul 7, 2006
Reaction score
1. Are you going to join the new system

2. if so, did you buy a developer week

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week

No, No No. I have to be nuts to do so. My week will be used and we vacation were we purchased. One less week for the King Marriott to have.


TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Resorts Owned
Marriott’s Harbour Point
1. Are you going to join the new system

2. if so, did you buy a developer week

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week

1. No

2. resale

3. Platinum 2 bedroom Manor Club, Harbour Pointe week 32 2 bedroom

4. Use Harbour Point every year, use or trade MMC via II or through an independent.

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Nov 8, 2009
Reaction score
Graeagle, CA
1. Are you going to join the new system? No

2. If so, did you buy a developer week? No Resale

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms? Desert Springs Villas II (2 Weeks), Platinum, 2 bedroom, LO

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week? Personal use

Ann in CA

TUG Review Crew: Elite
TUG Member
Feb 2, 2007
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Sonoma County, California
Resorts Owned
Marriott's Mountainside, Marriott's Waiohai, Marriott's Canyon Villas, Marriott's Marbella, Shell Vacation Club
Originally Posted by lovearuba View Post
1. Are you going to join the new system-- Probably not

2. if so, did you buy a developer week-- Yes

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms--2 bedrooms, Waiohai, Mountainside

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week- Always use Waiohai, but sometimes deposit with II and trade back to Waiohai because we get (or got) ACs, and had great luck getting excellent exchanges. Now we always lock off and exchange Mountainside for two weeks. It was a great trader.

I regret that we'll miss access to the new resorts, and would have used the Sun-Thurs option, but we'd never trade Waiohai for points, and we very much dislike the points program we acquired after we "upgraded" from a deeded
Shell week (where you always have your week, and it doesn't take more points to have what you had last year!). Granted, 10 years ago when we first exchanged to a Marriott, we focused on Marriott and have never given Shell much attention since.

Having bought Marriott developer weeks, been quite happy with Marriott rewards, and had excellent II Marriott exchanges, we were quite disappointed in the way in which Marriott rolled this out. They certainly don't seem to have much respect for their owners. If we had more weeks, I could see some advantages, as our annual II fees exceed the $166 Marriott points fee. But I just don't like what they have done.


TUG Member
Apr 17, 2010
Reaction score

You are obviously not alone. Few have appreciated the way Marriott has rolled out this program and the substance (or lack of) thereof. I think anyone who goes with the program will find a significantly reduced ability to get what they used to get. Many will join out of fear. Many will join to say they joined as they talk to their neighbor at the resort restaurant (keeping up with the Jones'). Many will join because it just sounds good (without knowing the details behind it). I think not joining the program will reap the greatest benefits. If a new resort is part of II, than you will be able to stay in it (maybe not on the peak week). Or, you can just rent for less than a "points program" MF would be. Do not worry.

1. No, will not join
2. Resale
3. DSV I 2bdrm Platinum
4. Will use the same way, with or without the new program. Personal use.


TUG Member
Feb 9, 2007
Reaction score
1. Are you going to join the new system

Leaning to yes

2. if so, did you buy a developer week


3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms

NCV plat EOY, MHZ Plat EOY

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week

There should be a fifth question, why yes?
I am leaning to joining for a few reasons:
a: I can use my weeks like normal if I want
b: 1500 is a lot, but compared to my investiment in MCV already, it is not that bad. One the downside, $169 is a bit steep compared to what I use and I need to find out more info about if I need a seperate II account for trading though.....
c. my points (about 3000) per year, can get me into most places in summer, the only time I can travel for at least the next 12 years). It may be garden view, but not many people get ocean front views thru II anyway.
d. NCV points for summer are way higher than what I get (4740 compared to 3475) Most have said this is unfair, but to me, I can book my NCV via my deed. Plus, when you do the math, it comes out to what the developer price to purchase is.


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Midlothian, Virginia
1. Are you going to join the new system

Probably yes

2. if so, did you buy a developer week

Directly from Marriott

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms

Platinium Manor Club Sequel; Gold OV OceanWatch; Fixed week 15 Monarch

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week


While I probably will enroll my weeks, at this point, I will probably not use the points system, and continue to use our weeks as we have in the past. The Monarch we exchange for 110,000 rewards points every year; Manor Club we lock-off and exchange through II; OceanWatch we go to. I figure the enrollment fee is offset by the 800 club points we will receive and the annual fee offsets the lock-off and rewards exchange fees and possibly an II internal exchange fee(?). Enrolling gives me the future use option.


TUG Member
Apr 30, 2008
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1. maybe

2. 4 resale weeks....3 HHI

3. 3 plat. Monarch, 1 KBC....Have fourth of July (Monarch) with weeks 25,26 (fixed) the points available for this is lousy. I worry that my resale value and ability to trade will decrease. Marriott seemed to set the points value higher for those units they are still selling. Monarch is a 2-bedroom non lockoff and I can't trade it for other 1 bedroom plat. in desirable locations under the new system. Worry about Marriott being able to lock up all II inventory.

4. If I join...will use this possibly to trade. Like to go to Aruba.

Going to HH soon, want to talk directly to a rep. and see what they're saying

Big Matt

TUG Review Crew: Veteran
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Northern Virginia
1. Are you going to join - yes
2. Did I buy a developer week - yes, but I own a resale also, and frankly I got the resale for dirt cheap after they stopped taking ROFR.
3. I own a 2BR Manor Club and a 2BR Grande Vista. Both Platinum. I also own a 2BR Foxrun and am wondering how the II stuff will work for me given I will own a unit that isn't Marriott (will I pay for two II memberships???)
4. How will I use my weeks - well, since I have that Foxrun, I'll still use that to get Marriotts from II, and I'll probably take a real high point trip every other year and take two lower ones in the other years. I will absolutely use the Sunday-Thursday feature for 2 or 3 BR units and then switch out to a studio or 1BR if I need to stay the extra time.

I also own almost a million rewards points and I can definitely see the pattern of staying in a timeshare for five days and a hotel for five days in the same trip, especially to places like Hawaii or the Caribbean. Being Gold/Platinum elite, I usually get a suite anyway.


Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Resorts Owned
Marriott Aruba Surf Club 2 & 3BRs
1. mixed feelings about joining. I do not like the program and feel Marriott really is ripping off its customers. Surprised that they would so obviously skim value by, in many cases, not even rewarding enough points to book a single week in the system. Also annoyed that my OS Plat. week is valued the same as an OV week, despite the several thousand dollar premium for OS; I fail to see the logic there. If they had no problem devaluing ownership at the onset, what does that say about the future? Will we be lamenting similar to the reward points devaluations- and they seemingly are set up on a similar path.

2. Resale (thanks to everyone here :) )
3. I own 2 weeks at the Surf Club- 2BR Plat. OS and 3BR Gold OV

4. Mostly use home resort. Have enjoyed Getaways and Flexchange trades for additional units. Would have found an equitable system of trading very appealing. I find it very hard to swallow that I can't even book a week in my own resort with the points I was allotted. I also find it very problematic that they awarded points seemingly on resort pricing, so built-in inflation is a given with this system. Marriott charges $750-850 per night for my Plat. week (some dates even more) to rent, yet I can't book at a resort where the nightly charges are close to half the price. That doesn't make sense to me.

As to the answer to question #1- I vacillate- not because I like the program, not because I think it is even a fair program, and not because I will likely utilize the benefits. I am not sure if it is worth it as an insurance program for current resale owners to be part of the Marriott family, so to speak. Now that they are creating a second class of ownership- any future resale buyer- as a resale owner I am not sure if it pays to join just to protect my ownership.

I was leaning towards conceding and figured the club membership dues would likely at least close to balance out over time, until I had a not so nice chat (at least not so nice in the information presented) with one of the online reps- according to him at least, the Club dues covers II membership and dues, but eliminates online access for trading or searching, and if you want those options for a deposited week you still need to maintain a separate II account and pay all fees associated therein. So it's another 199 per year for very questionable benefits.
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
1. Probably going to join. Still analyzing the details, however.
2. 4 weeks: 1 Developer resale, 1 Pre-construction, 2 resale
3. Platinum Hilton Head for all-- 1 Monarch fixed /3 Barony Beach
4. Proponent of flexibility -- We currently use or our weeks, but have just started to exchange after 10+ years owning. We also occassionally use MR points for hotel stays, too, so all the options are possibilities for us and have been good to have.

I lean towards it for the flexibility, options and choices. 2K spread out over 4 owned weeks is not much in the grand scheme of things over the life of the timeshares and could get more expensive later. I really like that my resale weeks will now have the additional option of being able to trade for MR points ( that is a nice perk )..."options" are good and depending how things go I can opt to use or not use the program. If its a flop, then I have increased my costs by 2K, but if not, I have vastly expanded my options. I also like being able to tack on a few extra days for mid week travel or book for only a few days for short trips....I also hate the waiting associated with exchanging, and the possibility of instant confirmations, albeit for a higher point value is very attractive to me to be able to confirm and go about making my plans. Banking and borrowing is a good choice to have, too ...My family is young and our traveling needs have and will likely continue to change, so this program will better allow us the flexibility to evolve. Good options...and I wouldn't expect them to be free.
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TUG Review Crew
TUG Member
Jan 10, 2007
Reaction score
Leaning toward "no"


1. Are you going to join the new system
Leaning toward "no"

2. if so, did you buy a developer week - direct from Marriott

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms
Plat - Oceanwatch
Plat - Lakeshore Reserve (Deluxe)

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week
I don't know!

We have traded Oceanwatch most years because of great trades (and gotten Bonus weeks!)... so we've basically gotten two weeks. This year we are going to Paris and used our Bonus week week after Memorial Day at the Westgate River Ranch. Traded one-bedroom Lakeshore (Plat) for two-bedroom Barony Beach at spring break... granted I realize we got a "two" bedroom, but our one-bedroom is Plat and we were trading down to the gold season. The second Plat Lakeshore one-bedroom has gotten us one-bedroom at Westin in San Antonio this Thanksgiving.
Under the points system, we would not have enough points for both Paris and Spring break at Barony... and we would not have gotten bonus week at River Ranch.

Points-- fewer vacations the way I see it.


TUG Member
Apr 26, 2009
Reaction score
Great Neck
Seems like most tuggers who want to join are developer week buyers. It is just(?) $695 (or so) to join. resale buyers should pay $1500 or so to join.
That makes great affect for the decision IMO.

Not sure yet


Grand Vista Plat

Some at my resort but some trading of my week.

There is a difference for resale vs direct and also number of weeks owned. It is easier to swallow $595 or $695 if you decide that the program doesn't work. $1495 - $1995 is much harder. Plus if you have 5 or 6 weeks, you spread the pain across more units. The single $165 is appealing since it would save me a couple hundred a year in fees but that would leave me with a 7 year payback for a program that I don't know if I will like. The sad thing after reading the posts so far is that a number of people are going to join out of fear. They don't want to be left behind. I don't blame them (as I might do the same) but it is sad.
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TUG Member
Dec 5, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsford, NY
. Are you going to join the new system NO

2. if so, did you buy a developer week Yes

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms Aruba Ocean club 2 bedroom platnium, HH Harbour Club 2 bedroom summer, Royal Palms 2 bedroom Red

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week Use and trade with II


TUG Member
Apr 12, 2006
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Ann Arbor, MI
1. Leaning towards yes.

2. Yes, we bought from Marriott.

3. Oceana Palms, 2BR Gold OV.

4. NA, but I'll answer anyway. It will vary from year to year. Some years, we'll stay at our home resort. Some years, when we want to get into a resort that costs more points than we have, we'll try to get it through II. Some years, and here's why I'm inclined to spend the $595, we may spread out the points and go for 10 to 14 nights at resorts that cost fewer points. For example, with the points from our unit, we could do a week in May in a 1BR at Manor Club (we live in Michigan, so we can drive there), and have enough points left over for four or five weekday nights in a studio at Aruba Surf Club in early December or early January. Since we don't have a lockoff, this is a new capability for us.


TUG Member
Jun 11, 2010
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1. Join? - Much to early to make a decision. At the moment, no.

2. Own: KoOlina - 2 bedroom every other year. Ocean Pointe, 2 bedroom Plat. and Ocean Watch, 2 bedroom plat.

3. Bought KoOlina and Ocean Pointe from Marriott. Ocean watch, resale.

4. Generally we trade Hawaii for Ocean Watch or Hilton Head. Have traded for points with Ocean Pointe, but will use it next year.

General comment: I am disgusted with Marriott at the moment. Not happy that we as owners ( 17 years) had to find out via the net. When I contacted them yesterday, the representatives could not agree on answers. Very reassuring! I have a real problem with the enrollment fee. And with the amount of points that I was awarded for my weeks. I see it as a way for Marriott to make money! It sounded like a sales pitch yesterday rather than a fact finding information session. I have had it with Marriott sales people! I have found that in general, they could care less about the buyers as long as they make a sale. They will often avoid the truth in doing so!

I and they could not answer my question of availability. Mathematically, I truly do not believe that this will increase the number of available units that are needed for trades. If you book at you home resort, fine, but if you try to book at another Marriott with these infamous points, what are your chances of getting a villa? There are only so many rooms and X number of owners. The math does not work out!

Does anyone know what the cut off date is to join? We will really have to think this through. I do not want to lay out $2000.00 for a program that does not guarantee my anything more then what I have now! Actually, I do not want to lay out $2000.00 at all!


TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Resorts Owned
Marriott Playa Andaluza, Four Seasons Vilamoura, MacDonald Dona Lola, Sweetwater@Waikiki Banyan, Orange Lake
No, because I haven't been invited!!!!


TUG Member
Jun 4, 2006
Reaction score
1. Yes

2. No

3. Harbour Lakes - Plat. 2 Bdr - 2550 pts

4. N/A


TUG Member
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
SF Bay Area, CA
1. No initially, but will see how this plays out in the future

2. Yes, developer weeks

3. Ko Olina week 52, Timber Lodge EOY, 2 brs

4. Use our weeks, II, direct trades


TUG Member
Jun 28, 2006
Reaction score
Jersey Shore
1. Are you going to join the new system - No, I will not be joining

2. if so, did you buy a developer week - No

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms - I own Manor Club (MMC), Platinum week, 2-bedroom and a Fairway Villas (MFV)Platinum week, 2-bedroom via the resale market.

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week - same as now: Reserve at home resort or reserve best week available, deposit, trade through II for weeks 12+ mos out in the future.


TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
1. No. I am interested in the pogram, but the enrollment fee is higher than the value of my unit. I will be watching and waiting. If/when it becomes reasonably affordable to purchase points on the resale market I will likely do so.

2. No.

3. Willow Ridge (Branson) EOY

4. Use or trade through II.


TUG Member
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Castro Valley, CA
I am joining

1. Are you going to join the new system
Yes, I am joining probably tomorrow. Still reading and asking questions.

2. if so, did you buy a developer week - direct from Marriott
Yes all my weeks are developer. Bought mostly pre-construction.

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms
Kauai Beach Club Plat 1 Bd OF
Aruba Ocean Club Gold 1Bd OV
Frenchman's Cove Gold 2 Bd
Grand Chateau Plat EOY 2 Bd
Grand Chateau Plat EOY 3 Bd
Ko'Olina Plat EOY 2 Bd OV

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week
Why I am joining?

1) I will be premium plus which gives me a 13 month reservation time for all reservations.
2) Even though the bid-ask ratio is low, I prefer to have a confirmed reservation rather than the request and hope as with II trades. I may only get a 6 day reservation using points instead of a 7 day II trade but many times I don't stay the full 7 days anyway because of air availability.
3) My lock off at Ko'Olina OV when split I get a 1 Bed and a studio. I do not like to stay in studios. With the points I get 2 one bed OV for 7 days each by adding 500 pts. from another unit that does not trade well anyway; or I can get 2 1 Bed MV for 6 days each or 1 Bed OV 6 days and 1 Bed OV for 5 days.
4)Reservations made with points, I can choose what view I get. In Hawaii, I love Ocean views. When I trade, you have no control of your view.
5) I want to be able to trade to the new resorts.
6) I like to one annual fee for all my transactions.
7) The enrollment fee is very reasonable ($695) for all my units. I do believe that the fee will be much higher later.
8) The 800 pts bonus makes up for the bid ask ratio the first year.
9) I want to reserve only 3 days this Nov at Newport Coast. I can do it for 900 pts and not have to trade a whole week or pay $700 rental.
10) You can transfer points among members. The point system will create a market for renting points among point owners. It will be a great way to get additional one time points points and to sell one time points.

Some of my units, like Kauai and Frenchman's Cove, I enrolled them to get the premium plus status but I will continue to go or rent as I do now. I consider the down grade in points per unit as the price for flexibility. I prefer flexibility and choice.


TUG Member
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
Niagara Falls, Ontario
1. Yes we will likely join - still checking out a few things

2. 2 weeks from developer

3. Canyon villas Platinum 2 bedrms, lakeshore Reserve 3 bedrm Premier Platinum

4. Geenrally lock off and trade or use at home resort

We checked the points we'd get and think this will give us more flexibility to take vacations other than 7 nights. Of course we'll also happily book the weeks art our home resorts as well.


TUG Member
Jun 17, 2006
Reaction score
Mariemont OH
1. Are you going to join the new system


2. if so, did you buy a developer week

One of each (developer,non-developer)

3. What timeshare do you own, what season, how many bedrooms

SurfWatch 2 BD Plat Oceanside, Barony 2 BD Silv Oceanside

4. If you are not going to join, how will you use your week


Why, "yes"?

The ability to exchange non-developer week for points and the Explorer trips.