BTW. I am in HH starting Sunday and got the call last night from a guy who said his nickname is "the vacation guy" who persistently tried to book me a time slot to discuss Marriott's brand new program which they are rolling out Sunday. I told him I couldn't commit and he stressed the "importance and significance" of the new program to me. He was disappointed that I wouldn't share his enthusiasm and commit to a time.
Those on vacation next week are the best resource to inquire about the new program and ask the unanswered questions. I never do these tours (DH can't be bothered) but I would go in a heartbeat if I was going away over the next few weeks. By the end of the summer, when we are going, I'm guessing the more brilliant minds here will have fully digested this already and there will already be tips on playing the system.
Personally, I really hope one can use home resort priority to book part of a unit and then points to book with the locked off half, although from others' posts it appears likely to be that the unit must be used as a whole as a legacy week in the new system. I know that would lose a lot of flexibility. For example, I booked my 3BR intending to use the whole unit. My daughter had a conflict and decided not to go this summer, so I locked off and deposited the studio. It would be nice if I could just take the points from that deposit and use them towards another trip. Not everyone decides at booking whether or not to lock off- that's one of the beauties of the lock off system. It seems to me that by not allowing partial home week use/partial point use that Marriott will be ensuring that many owners, who like to use at least part of their unit at their home resort, will be depositing into II rather than their internal system.
So- a few more questions to add to Sue's list:
-what happens with lock-offs and use of legacy weeks for home resort priority? Can part of the unit be booked as a week (and use home resort priority) and part with points, and can a unit be later locked off and a side exchanged for its point value?
-What about the issue of borrowing and banking? Can points be rented, either from Marriott or from another MVCI owner?
-What about the issue of renting? II doesn't allow rentals of exchanges. Can an owner try to nab the best weeks now not to enhance trade but to rent? If so, we may be replacing the perceived solution to one headache with another (and, admittedly- lest there be lots of arguments about this- just as many consider booking the best weeks to maximize their trade value in II as a fair way of maximizing their ownership value, this will be considered fair by many too). Of course, people do that now as well, but in the new system they will be able to really use the system to their advantage, presumably because they may have access to the best weeks at resorts with the highest rental yields (which of course will mean increased competition for those week 52's at hot destinations).
Are you keeping track of the list, Sue?