@HuskerATL and
I can see World Traveler’s post above how things will work. This makes sense. I will never trust what a timeshare salesman says, but this seems like it’s the way things will happen.
If I take what’s said above as how it will shake out, here’s my take.
The 10 month search function will sting, but won’t be very limiting to us legacy members. HGV Max members can only reserve a limited amount of trips and that’s based on their status. With the prices HGV is charging, the amount of search weeks won’t be too limiting and many members will go for the exclusive, high point resorts. Legacy members will have a hard time booking certain resorts, but places that can be booked now will probably be able to be booked then.
Resale points are very limited in Max. With the amount of searches based on your Elite (I know it’s called something else), resale points are only good for either extending stays or 6 month reservations. By basing the searches on retail points, resale points will struggle to be used where people want to go. As people buy into Max (dumb name, the marketing person who decided on that name should be fired), they will be wanting to sell their weeks back to HGV, putting more weeks into the system.
Existing Elite members do have an advantage, but they will pay for it. Either pay $7000 or buy more for more money. Not only that, but many of those deeds purchased by many elite were lower MF resorts. Will those owners still pay their lower MF’s or will they have to pay that outrageous $0.22 cost (not convinced that will be the cost as the salesman may have embellished to get the sale and the commission).
Scotland was a bigger deal than we knew. @HuskerATL made the best move they could have. Buying that many points to get elite at the cost they did was huge. If the goal was Max, then, for just over $18,000 (with the $7000 Max fee), the status came about as cheap as you can get it.
As more resorts are introduced, the legacy resorts will become less popular with Max. This is conjecture, of course but we all love the new, shiny places that HGVC will push as exclusive to them.
Owners of hard to book resorts that paid a premium to own there won’t be joining Max if they have to give up their weeks. Places like Oahu, Valdoro, and Hilton Head will want to keep those weeks.
Questions I still have:
1. How will legacy members of Max have their deeds dealt with? Will they have to turn them over? Will they have to pay the Max MF’s?
2. How will this effect Legacy members MF’s? Will they skyrocket or will they keep steady like the other system’s legacy members?
3. How will HGV deal with Max members that don’t want their points anymore? Will they have a buyback or return policy? Will there be a resale market?
4. Is Max a trust or a vacation club? If it’s a trust, when will it come around? If it’s a vacation club, where is the protection for members?
If you got this far in this beast of a post, thanks. It helps my thoughts when I can put them in writing. I’m sure there will be more questions as we learn more about Max.