Awesome shot!!!Happy Aloha Friday from a hot and humid Minnesota! Facebook reminded me of an amazing sunset picture that was posted in 2020.
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Just received a message Mercy Chefs from Tidewater Virginia is on the ground in Maui.Happy Aloha Friday!!! It's already almost the middle of August. Schools are starting here and preseason football is already upon us too.
This week's picture takes us back to Kauai and Wailua Falls. The falls are 173 feet tall and are on the Wailua River. You may recognize it from being in the opening to the tv show "Fantasy Island ".
Let's keep everyone on Maui and especially Lahaina in our hearts during this tragic time. This will take years to recover from.
Have a great Aloha Friday and an awesome weekend!!!
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Big, Big Mahalo for the kind words.Best of Aloha Fridays to All!
Jeff, as always, I find your weekly contributions to be both educational and awe inspiring. I can likely speak for many on this thread that your posts can often be an early highlight on Fridays that may find us at the end of the busiest of weeks. Many thanks!
If all goes to plan, the spouse and I will be on the ground for some R&R through next Aloha Friday. We are currently booked on the Saturday United nonstop from DEN-KOA scheduled to whisk us away at high noon and deliver us to KOA at just after 3pm local time. Last year’s flight to OGG was on SW through CA. This time it will be a new experience to fly direct in cattle class.
Also, I would like to add link for Maui Humane Society as I believe they can use all the help we can offer at this time.
My family really enjoyed their Beach Buddies program last summer where we were able to foster a shelter pup for part of the day. So much fun!
Now that's getting on Island time.Happy Pau Hana and Aloha Friday to all! Thanks especially to Jeff for continuing to remind me of special moments from our trips. Last time we stayed in Kona, I had to most relaxing breakfast at Island Lava Java. As I sipped my coffee and ate my cinnamon bun, I listened to live island style music and watched the surfers. Ahhhh!
Beautiful pictures, Mahalo for sharing. Weather has been good here so hopefully you will have an awesome stay.Happy Aloha Friday!
My better half and I were fortunate to experience our morning in the air exploring the island of Hawaii. We booked front row seats on the Big Island Volcano Deluxe tour offered by Sunshine Helicopters. To be honest, we got here with no intention of taking to the skies, but the opportunity seemed to great to pass up. It did not disappoint in the least (except maybe cost, but hey…) We were in the air for more than 100 minutes passing over Kilauea, the Hilo Forest Reserve, the Hamakua Coast and Kohala Coast. Amazing to see these areas from a completely new perspective after driving through Volcanoes NP and the Kohala Coast. Here is just a sample to share. What an amazing morning!!View attachment 80719View attachment 80720View attachment 80721View attachment 80722View attachment 80723View attachment 80724View attachment 80725