It’s Valentines Day, so LOVER seemed appropriate. An O in second position. Next, a search for an O and some common consonants with POUTY added the U in third position. I was thinking of words ending in ND or LD, of which there are many, for my third attempt. I settled on BOUND as I thought thr first letter would be a less common one. ND ending the word leaves me with WOUND, SOUND, FOUND, HOUND and MOUND as possibilities. Three chances, five words. I try to think of an elimination word that gets me the most bang for the buck. I settle on SWAMI which, if I get nothing, only leaves F or H and I can solve it in six. Not necessary. The S in SWAMI turned green so the wordle was SOUND. I guess I need to stop thinking the Wordle will be related to any particular day or event. It seems that never works out well for me.