I spent time thinking about guess 2. I wanted something that put my first guess letters in new positions, but I also thought it was important to examine some common consonants, with S, T, R, and C ones I like to find. I finally settled on CASTE. CASTE didn't help me with N, but I was hoping that if I got a couple of hits, that would also limit where the N could be.
CASTE was good, as it located the A and E, and gave me a C that had to be in position 3 or 4. If I put the N in position 1, I would be looking at either NACxE or NAxCE. The only word I could come up with using those patterns was NACRE, and I though that might be too obscure to be a the solution, but I parked that as possible option.
If the N isn't in position 1, then the solution needs to be xANCE (xACNE doesn't lead anywhere). So then my choices are DANCE and VANCE. Vance is a name, and while Wordle often accepts those as guesses, I never seen a word that only a name appear as a Wordle answer. I figured that DANCE was the best choice at guess 3.