If you are zigging when ‘the market’ is zagging then you are making an active bet to deviate from market weights - either from global stock/bond weightings, or away from total stock or total international to some kind of sector bet, market timing, individual stocks, individual bonds, etc. That’s not a bet I want to make long term. I do not think I’m smarter than the markets. I’ll take market returns and I reached financial independence that way.
Many 401k (and 403b, and 401a, and TSP) plans have great options. I don’t need to be able to ‘choose anything.’ If there is a very low cost total stock, total bond, and/or total international stock fund, I can make the rest work for my total portfolio.
If you are turning down 401k space (which has a 2024 maximum limit of $69,000) to invest in an IRA (max limit of $7000) you are giving up a lot of tax-advantage which is likely a mistake if you are in a higher income tax bracket. I don’t need to do that because my 403b has all I need: TSM, TISM, and TBM funds charging between 2 and 5 basis points each. I round out my portfolio using backdoor Roths, HSAs, TIPS, I-bonds, and taxable investing in tax-efficient, very low cost, passive index funds in TSM, TISM, and tax-free muni bond funds.