I just don’t understand the buy & hold philosophy during this churn and burn period! I went to total cash on 3/12. A day late but thats ok. In my opinion better than holding and watching everything we had worked so hard over the years just going so low that we would never get it back in our lifetime. We are not out forever, just until the world stabilizes in some manner again. The market will come back again some day and i will end up not buying at the bottom but will still be able to catch a nice ride up again.
If you aren't out forever, why are you out?
I have been buy and hold since I started 30 years ago. None of my companies have gone bankrupt. You can believe the "never get it back in our lifetime" but I would question why you think that. I don't actually believe that this is the end of the road for Boeing, that they will cease operations and next year will not exist. My cost per sh is still lower than this sunk price.
I'm an investor, I am invested. Buy and hold is not a philosophy, it's a tactic that supports my long hold dividend reinvestment strategy. My strategy and tactics have not changed because they have worked for me through all kinds of markets. It's ok if you don't understand it. I don't understand selling at a loss.
It's not a major concern that this one company in my portfolio has stopped the dividend for a while. Sometimes that is the right thing to do. I'm not sure Boeing was fully punished for the Max but it's getting the belt now.
Case by case, company by company, they'll do what they need to do to survive. Vioxx didn't wipe out Merck, one of my first companies. Baby powder hasn't wiped out JNJ.
When we emerge from this, I will still have as many shares as before. What exactly should I be worried about? Share price? That bounces around daily in normal times.