dividends keep getting paid, another raise announced. Far to go to see much red in my portfolio, I had a few that were red before all this started. I continue to reinvest dividends. I can be happy in any kind of market, but scooping low now can make a powerful difference down the road. I own a lot of companies and I don't expect to lose any dividends nor companies, but I could.
The key for me is to not be reliant on any one company or sector. I own across the basic material, manufacturing, distribution, product, and point of sale for some industries (food, I own the whole way on food, but I don't have any restaurants so I won't be hammered by people not eating out, and buoyed by people buying groceries and thank you Costco shoppers). Big ole conglomerates like MMM aren't likely to be impaired severely long term.
I like to think of it as trading one paycheck from one company for multiple paychecks from multiple companies. I live in an at will state so my jobs have always been subject to whims of office axe. It's not so different, just more eggs in more baskets.