Again - schools are much stricter now with attendance than they used to be, because of funding constraints. I once had a student in my class who was dropped from school, because of a vacation to Disneyland. The family lied about it and said it was a family emergency, but of course the student blabbed about it.
So all I am saying is that as a parent, you need to know what the actual rules are in your school district, to protect your child's rights. It really has nothing to do with what the teacher is covering - it has everything to do with the rules for absences.
Unfortunately Denise, you are spot on. I hope I didn't sound too cavalier earlier. I know my attitude may pose a problem, especially in the future as my kids enter high school. But for now, we have averaged one week or so of unexcused vacation absences and haven't had any issues (other than required homework on the vacation...for my kindergartener). My goal is to retain a modicum of control over my life given the insane amount of regulatory creep trying to wrest that control from me.