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Westin St. John [Master Thread]

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TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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FredM is only trying to give advice and perspective - he is a very knowledgable TUG poster and I always try and read his posts (even on subjects that I am not involved in), and always appreciate his opinion/perspective although sometimes different than mine.

Re: SVO fees - it will be interesting to see the response from the WSJ-VG HOA BODs. I do think the comparison to ENRON/AA is a bit dramatic as a comparative, but understand your point. Clear transparency between the HOA BOD and Owners has always been my objective (windmill tilting). Hopefully. Bob and Phil will help with your question and my objective.


TUG Member
Jan 10, 2008
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You are clearly not looking at the 2008 column. In 2008, they did not take 10% of the approx $1 million in reserves. Do the math!!

Gene, at this point it's only your speculation that it is the "reserves" that they are backing out from their fee...and given the numbers don't come out exact, I think getting full transparency is the key to being sure.

Just to throw a wrench in your line of thinking, what if I said it is actually the "utilities" that they are backing out as these are non-management related costs, not covered by their contract. In that case, the numbers actually come out much closer than if they were backing out the "reserves".

Further, even if you are correct and they backed out the reserves in 2008, that doesn't mean they weren't entitled to collect on the reserves under the management contract. Maybe they did it as a form of developer subsidy...there could be any number of crazy reasons. The bottom line is that what they actually do or do not doesn't necessarily reflect what they are legally allowed to do pursuant to the management contract. The REAL transparency would be to see what they are entitled to collect on in that contract....and I fear you may be disappointed to find that they are legally allowed to collect on reserves (as they are really just a form of "catch up" maintenance fee).


TUG Member
Jul 30, 2005
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Palm Desert, CA
FredM is only trying to give advice and perspective - he is a very knowledgable TUG poster and I always try and read his posts (even on subjects that I am not involved in), and always appreciate his opinion/perspective although sometimes different than mine.

Re: SVO fees - it will be interesting to see the response from the WSJ-VG HOA BODs. I do think the comparison to ENRON/AA is a bit dramatic as a comparative, but understand your point. Clear transparency between the HOA BOD and Owners has always been my objective (windmill tilting). Hopefully. Bob and Phil will help with your question and my objective.

Thank you, David.

IIRC, Starwood subsidized the HOA in the amount of ~$892,000 (diluted to ~$802,000) in 2008 (and almost $2 mm in 2007). Perhaps this gift accounts for the difference Gene is concerned about?

Note to Gene:

Asking the HOA for clarification is constructive.
Doing so before stating that "something very fishy might be taking place" with the auditors, or Starwood is messing with management fees, would have been even more constructive.

I completely understand that a management fee taken "off the top" may not be "fair", but it is allowed. It has been 10%. Starwood can take it to 15% if they choose to. So say the docs. It seems to me that if Starwood wanted to generate more revenue from WSJ owners they would not cook the books, or engage crooked auditors. They would just legally increase the management fee.
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Nov 9, 2009
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Fort Lee, NJ
Thank you, David.

IIRC, Starwood subsidized the HOA in the amount of ~$892,000 (diluted to ~$802,000) in 2008 (and almost $2 mm in 2007). Perhaps this gift accounts for the difference Gene is concerned about?

Note to Gene:

Asking the HOA for clarification is constructive.
Doing so before stating that "something very fishy might be taking place" with the auditors, or Starwood is messing with management fees, would have been even more constructive.

I completely understand that a management fee taken "off the top" may not be "fair", but it is allowed. It has been 10%. Starwood can take it to 15% if they choose to. So say the docs. It seems to me that if Starwood wanted to generate more revenue from WSJ owners they would not cook the books, or engage crooked auditors. They would just legally increase the management fee.

For your information, I did contact the Board members and the outside accountants prior to to sending out my e-mail. I do not appreciate you suggesting how it might have been more constructive for me to handle things differently. There's a saying that hindsight is always 20/20. I will give you one thing. Perhaps it was a gift that in prior years Starwood did not impose the full 10% management fee.

This will be my last posting on here. I recently sold my second week at Virgin Grand Villas and the fees no longer concern me. I can tell you this. A friend of mine who is an owner was at the owner/management meeting a few weeks ago. The resort managers presented information indicating that operating expenses for VGV are estimated to be 3 times the budgeted amount in 2016 than they are for 2011. They could not explain why. They deferred that question to Corporate. I don't care if the management fee is 5% or 2% for that matter. As long as it's a percentage of the total expenses, Starwood has no incentive to lower maintenance fees and never will while they control the HOA.

One last thing, for the individual who suggested that you could back out utilities, that is an operating expense. Reserves is not an operating expense as shown on the 2nd column from the left on the expense sheet I previously submitted. It would make logical sense to back out reserves, if anything were to come out, but as Fredm indicated, it's probably a gift anyway.

Good luck with Starwood. May you have many years of pleasure there. Hopefully, they won't bankrupt you in the process. As beautiful as St John is, I would never pay $12K in maintenance for one week in a place that I technically own. You think I'm crazy suggesting that. Wait until 2016 and do nothing before then, that's how much a 2 bedroom premium or a 3 bedroom pool villa is going to cost.


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Dec 20, 2005
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3x more in 2016 than 2011!!!??? - that would put my MFs at ~$8400 per week - sorry, I am just not buying it... (no offense...)
side bet?

Take care Gene - and good luck to you.


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Dec 20, 2005
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WSJ-VG Report from Owner-Elected Representatives

^^^^speaking of which^^^^ my comments are in [bold-italics]

Dear Fellow Owners at Virgin Grand Villas:
We recently participated as your owner-elected representatives in another meeting of the Board of Directors of the owners’ association for Virgin Grand Villas. We have lots of good news to report:

Construction work on the major refurbishments to the exteriors of the buildings has begun and is on schedule. We toured the work being done on Building 34, the first to be renovated. We think that owners will be very pleased. Insulation is being added which will keep the upper units cooler. New windows and doors will not only save on energy costs but will also keep out a lot of the outdoor sound, such as the noise of the golf carts. The entry doorways will be frosted glass, providing total privacy while letting in light and freeing you from fiddling with blinds. New locks will solve the occasional inconvenience when your locks jammed from having water and sand in them. The enhancements to the cooling system and the solar panel pilot project will reduce our electricity cost significantly, and the new stucco siding and steel roofs will make the property seem brand new.
[Excellent - as I wrote in last years' trip resport - we hate the front door and blinds -and wondered why they were not updated - now we know]

Recycling for metal cans is now already in place, with the bins being emptied daily, and the garbage cans with open tops are being replaced by cans with animal-proof lids.
[Excellent - well needed]

The freecycle shed is a reality. It is located near the pool villas, and just off the corner of the road on the way up the hill. But it is underused at present; we need to build up the inventory of items that owners leave for the use of other owners. So if you have purchased beach chairs, snorkel equipment, children’s beach toys, books, or other non-food items that you aren’t taking home, please leave them in the shed for other owners to use. And when you arrive for your use week, please feel free to use items that have been left in the shed.
[Excellent idea - we hate leaving stuff behind to be thrown away - now if they could start a food bank system like WKORV/N]

Although the storms of last fall interfered with some owners’ use of the resort, you would now have to look hard to see that the resort had even been affected. Two major awnings at the hotel are still gone, and replacements are being fabricated; some of the eroded beach sand is still being replaced; and new, smaller trees have been planted to replace large ones that fell. Other than that, the resort is quite spiffy; and there is a silver lining to the storm damage: the big pool and the tennis courts have been resurfaced. (At an owners’ reception that we attended the day before our Board meeting, we heard only satisfaction for the resort’s appearance and praise for the responsiveness of its staff.)
[Excellent - maybe we will get down there this year ;)]

Management (Starwood Vacation Ownership) is actively working on setting up an online posting board on which we can list weeks that we have for trade, weeks that we want someone to trade to us, weeks that we want to rent to others or are seeking to rent, and weeks that we would like to sell. We think this will make it much easier for us to make optimal use of our weeks.
[Excellent - but not sure if it will be used - we shall see...]

Management is also taking the owners’ voluntary directory to a new level by putting the registration process online for owners who want to participate in it. The next opportunity to be listed in the directory will be some time in April, and you will receive an invitation by email to enter your contact information and the units you own by filling in an online form. No more errors due to illegible handwriting! (Management would like to reissue the directory every six months, but because owners change addresses and email accounts frequently, and because units are often bought or sold, you will have to electronically update the form twice a year to remain in the directory. While this may be a minor inconvenience, there seems no better way to have an up-to-date directory.)
[Excellent - I agree that up-dates should be made, but concerneed that people will drop off if asked to update over-n-over since 2x per year goes by fast]

Dealing with defaults
A number of accounts – representing less than 5% of the total accounts billed for 2010 -- are still behind on the maintenance payments owed to the homeowners association. The association is about to begin foreclosure on delinquent accounts with the intent to get new dues-paying owners into the association. This can be a time-consuming and costly process on St. John; however, $600,000 has been budgeted to use this year for this purpose. For owners who are in arrears and want to avoid the hassle (and reduced credit rating) associated with foreclosure, there is still time to take action, such as paying their arrearage or turning their deed, free of any mortgage, over to the owners association in lieu of foreclosure (in which case any maintenance arrears will be canceled). We hope that most owners who are in arrears will be able to find a way to get current with their payments so that they can continue to enjoy the pleasures of St. John.
[Excellent - about time for action and transparency to this important issue]

Property tax bills
We learned that the Virgin Islands may send out the 2007 property tax bills in the near future, with later years to follow at a measured pace, and that all bills through 2009 are expected to be based on the 1998 assessed value.
[anyone reading this thread knows this already]

Hurricane insurance
We have had generally positive feedback from owners to our suggestion that we should gradually build up a reserve that would be dedicated to paying the deductible portion of the hurricane insurance policy (currently about 1.5 million dollars, and rising as the property value increases). We have not yet added anything to the budget for this purpose, but we still plan to discuss as a Board, next fall, the establishment of a hurricane reserve fund. Last fall’s storms were a warning that a major hurricane – bigger than 2010’s storms – could still do significant damage to our buildings. Our choices are either to hedge now by starting a reserve fund, or face the prospect of a sudden, unanticipated need for a large special assessment if there is a devastating hurricane.
[Need to ask if this includes Tropical Storms as major damage come from this more often - like last year]

Weeks not used by owners in arrears, or weeks owned by the association
Lastly, we are in active discussion with management concerning the best way for the homeowners association to capture revenue relating to weeks for which owners have been denied use because of non-payment of maintenance fees (or, in the future, because the owners association temporarily owns foreclosed units pending their disposition). Up until now most of these units had been made available to the Starwood Vacation Network, meaning that all Starwood Vacation Network owners (including Virgin Grand) were able to use them for StarOptions. As a result, while individual owners of Virgin Grand may have benefited from using StarOptions to stay at their home resort, the owners association derived no revenue from locked out units.
[This has an issue of concern to me - why is the HOA not compensated for SVN usage of these VOIs?]

At our meeting, members of the Board discussed this issue and we all agree that our objective in dealing with these units is to maximize revenue for the owners association, which would help to reduce our maintenance fees. For 2011, a large majority of these weeks have been set aside for rental availability rather than made available to the Network (of course there can be no assurance how many unit weeks can be rented, or on what terms). We are working with management to continue to explore a number of options for renting these weeks so that we can determine the alternative that would generate the greatest revenue for the association. We will advise you of our progress in dealing with this important issue.
[I hope this is resolved]

All our best,
Philip G. Schrag

Bob Werbel

[What! - no mention that 2016 MFs will be 3x that of 2011!!!] :shrug: :D - sorry couldn't resist...
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TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Regarding letter above - this is exactly why I suppported Phil and Bob as Owner Members for the WSJ-VG HOA BODs - no SVO resort has come close to this much transparency - still need for more improvement - and I think they will agree - but what a refreshing start.
Our so-called Owners Revolt has caused change.

Thanks Phil and Bob (and will send a personal email as a follow-up) - I wanted to let you know that while you may feel unappreciated since people do not generally send emails/letters when they are happy - there are many silent Owners who do appreciate your uncompenstated work in helping our resort be the 1st class vacation retreat it deserves to be.

I think others as well should send them emails expressing their thoughts and suggestions and even criticisms/concerns (just make sure they are constructive...please)
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Nov 9, 2009
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Fort Lee, NJ
No David

[What! - no mention that 2016 MFs will be 3x that of 2011!!!] :shrug: :D - sorry couldn't resist...[/QUOTE]

That's right David, no mention that 2016 MFs will be 3x that of 2011!! HaHaHa. Also, no mention that Bob and Phil requested a new auditing firm, but they were outvoted by the three Starwood employees on the Board. They will always be outvoted unless the owners can gain control. They have their way of altering the facts by omitting these things. Sorry I just couldn't resist
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TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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and I thought you signed off... ;) btw, everything I post is IMO
(do I need to add this to my sig?)

You aims are different than mine - I am quite aware...

You already are aware that Owners can't gain control of the BOD unless SVO gave up all of their VOIs at WSJ-VG - ain't going to happen. As a card player - I am the type to deal with the hand I am dealt - look at my EV (and then try to improve) - but that is me... your choice was to sell - mine is to enjoy WSJ while I can... (before the lionfish and sea warming destroy the reefs...)

please come on back in 2016 - and if I still own (and here) - and if my base MFs are >$8400 - I will ship you $100, and you can tell me that you told me so...

take care.
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TUG Member
Jan 5, 2011
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I know that the auditors for Virgin Grand Villas are: MYERS, BRETTHOLTZ & COMPANY, PA. Their address is: 12671 Whitehall Drive Fort Myers, Florida 33907-3626 I know that they also audit Scottsdale Sonoran Villas. If they audit all of the Westin Timeshare villas, something very fishy might be taking place.

I'm curious about what might be fishy?


Jun 14, 2009
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I'm curious about what might be fishy?

I believe that all corporations on the stock market in practice get new independent auditing firms to show transparency and faith to their shareholders. So, if Starwood has a ongoing relationship with one firm, it could bring up some red flags to their shareholders on their ongoing accounting practices.

Anyone else know why the board would be reluctant in switching an independent firm?


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Not sure if Gene will respond, but read Gene's post - the concern is that there is some type of shady accounting process going on - since this accounding firm does other SVO resorts audits (thus the ENRON/AA reference...) - if I understand correctly.

I am not sure of the value of Bob/Phil communicating every aspect of BOD meetings (like request to change audit firms that was reportedly rejected by SVO controlled board) as we do not know all aspects of the decision - or other decisions that do not add value to Owners knowledge base.

I personally (obviously) like the change that is occurring at WSJ-VG - especially compared to a year+ ago - and Bob/Phil have my support. We have already had a few communications from the WSJ-VG HOA that were 1000x more comprehensive that the prior 'Owner' BOD members which was close to zilch in real info.

btw, SVO controls all {most that I am aware of...} HOA boards at SVO resorts. Everyone who owns a SVO VOI (or is considering buying SVO) should be aware of this - this is not uncommon and allows SVO to maintain decision control in the best interest of Starwood (HOT) - which some would argue is better than the alternative.

I personally am not prone to conspiracy theories - but I am also concerned about the fox guading the henhouse - thus the push to get better communication and transparency from Owner-friendly BOD members. Some obviously do not think Bob/Phil are doing their job - I strongly disagree - but to each their own (within reason).
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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David - there are some owner controlled boards but the ones I know of pre-date SVN (but were later absorbed into SVN). Harborside has two BODs for each phase, similar to WKORV I believe (where one in master specific and one is phase specific). I noticed that at least one appeared to now be owner controlled (will see if I can find details when I get home). I say "appears" because the Atlantis developer had a representative in the past so essentially three insiders and two owners. Again, will look for details but just wanted to clarify that some of the older resorts definitely have owner controlled BODs.


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Dec 20, 2005
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ok-ok - most boards - certainly the ones I own (WKORV, WPORV, WKV, WSJ)... but that was not my point... certainly they maintain control somehow since there are millions at stake and they put their shareholders (HOT) ahead of Owners
{i was going to make a jarta reference here... but refrained :p ;)}


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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100% agree with you on the maintain control side of things. For the most part, they are the sole supplier of information - even to those resorts that are fortunate enough to have independent boards.


TUG Member
Mar 10, 2009
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Cupertino, CA
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As to having a single firm audit the books of all of the resorts, this only seems to make sense to me. It takes time (and therefore money) for the auditors to understand how the resorts and SVO operate and keep their books. That cost can be spread over all the resorts if the same auditor does the books for all the resorts.

As long as the auditing firm is honest and above board, then having one firm do all the resorts should not be a problem. If there is any question, it might be better asked as, "Is there any conflict of interest or shared interest between Starwood/SVO and the auditing firm?". If the answer is no, then I don't see how one reputable auditing firm is better/worst than another.

And remember, an auditor only sees the numbers that the company provides them. So if Starwood/SVO provides incorrect data, it doesn't matter who does the auditing.



TUG Member
Feb 1, 2008
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"{i was going to make a jarta reference here... but refrained }"

lol! The question is whether the accounting firm is experienced, competent and honest.

The firm obviously qualifies under the first 2 criteria. And, there is no evidence of dishonesty. So, where's the dead fish?

Or, is it just a WSJ owner who tried to control 2 independent board members who got elected and was rebuffed because their duty after being elected is to all WSJ owners and not just 2 destructive complainers? ... eom


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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jarta - you know I am kidding... it was intended for JG who knows my evil intentions all to well... :p

I 100% agree with you (whoever thought I would ever type that...! :D )

Careful - you might be part of a mass email to WSJ Owners disparaging you and your position as a Bob/Phil hugger... :hysterical: :ignore:
{luckily I am assured that most are smart enough to see through the BS...}
743rd post in this thread, and >47000 views of reasonable diatribe and growing - that must really irk them...
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TUG Member
Jun 7, 2005
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Bethesda, MD
Incorrect information about WSJ future maintenance fees

For your information, I did contact the Board members and the outside accountants prior to to sending out my e-mail. I do not appreciate you suggesting how it might have been more constructive for me to handle things differently. There's a saying that hindsight is always 20/20. I will give you one thing. Perhaps it was a gift that in prior years Starwood did not impose the full 10% management fee.

This will be my last posting on here. I recently sold my second week at Virgin Grand Villas and the fees no longer concern me. I can tell you this. A friend of mine who is an owner was at the owner/management meeting a few weeks ago. The resort managers presented information indicating that operating expenses for VGV are estimated to be 3 times the budgeted amount in 2016 than they are for 2011. They could not explain why. They deferred that question to Corporate. I don't care if the management fee is 5% or 2% for that matter. As long as it's a percentage of the total expenses, Starwood has no incentive to lower maintenance fees and never will while they control the HOA.

One last thing, for the individual who suggested that you could back out utilities, that is an operating expense. Reserves is not an operating expense as shown on the 2nd column from the left on the expense sheet I previously submitted. It would make logical sense to back out reserves, if anything were to come out, but as Fredm indicated, it's probably a gift anyway.

Good luck with Starwood. May you have many years of pleasure there. Hopefully, they won't bankrupt you in the process. As beautiful as St John is, I would never pay $12K in maintenance for one week in a place that I technically own. You think I'm crazy suggesting that. Wait until 2016 and do nothing before then, that's how much a 2 bedroom premium or a 3 bedroom pool villa is going to cost.

I have refrained from posting about WSJ since becoming an elected member of the Board of Directors at Virgin Grand Villas, because my responsibility runs to all VGV owners, not just TUG members. But I have been sent many emails in response to the posting that suggests that maintenance fees will go up by 300% by 2016, so I would like to spike those rumors. The fact of the matter is that fees are determined almost entirely by operating expenses for the previous year (and estimates of how if at all they will change in the coming year) and by what the Board decides to lay aside for reserves. There is no way that the Board could estimate now what operating expenses will be by 2016; in fact, they have been decreasing in recent years, and they may continue to decrease at least somewhat because of the better insulation that results from the refurbishment (and therefore lower energy costs) and the solar cells that we are gradually installing. The Board has been budgeting prudently for reserves to avoid another surprising increase like the one for 2008-11, but speaking personally, I don't see any way in which our budgeting for reserves, even if we add something to cover the deductible in the event of a catastrophic hurricane, will triple the maintenance fees. I think this misunderstanding arose because what will increase a lot by 2016 is the amount in the CUMULATIVE reserve fund, as that fund will be nearly depleted at the end of 2011 as a result of the current refurbishment. So of course it will go up by a lot, from near zero, and that's as it should be, because we will be adding a little to reserves each year. This CUMULATIVE reserve is money in the bank, so to speak; it is not a maintenance fee, although a small part of the maintenance fee each year will contribute to the reserve. Philip Schrag


Nov 9, 2009
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Fort Lee, NJ
A few things to comment on

Firstly, David I want to apologize to you publicly. Forwarding your analysis of Bob and Phil's letter to 300 owners on our list (it was only 300, not all of them) was dumb, immature, and a million other adjectives that I can't post on here. I have no doubt that you are a great individual with a lot of character.

Secondly, at the owner/manager meeting that is held every Monday at the Westin near the Mango Deli, the hotel GM gave a presentation of what revenues and operating expenses were projected to be over the next 10 years. I was mistaken. Operating expenses were supposedly going to be 3 times the amount of 2010's expenses by 2019, not 2016. My mistake. This doesn't necessarily mean maintenance fees would triple by then. I was only told this information second-handedly, but I believe there is documentation that was handed out at the meeting to this effect. When I get my hands on it, I will share it with all of you. Meanwhile, I suggest that any of you reading this who plan to go to the Westin in the near future make a point of attending that meeting. It's usually at 3:00 on Monday. When checking in, one should inquire at the front desk the exact time and location. If any of your information contradicts what I said, I'd be interested to know about it. I assume that this information was derived from a source other than the HOA, who apparently makes up the budget.

Finally, I want to share a couple things regarding the Board of directors. Bob and Phil wouldn't be there if it weren't for me. They may dislike me with a passion, but I think they will admit that it was my largely my hard work prior to the election that got them into their spots. Back in September, 2009 I was given a list of 40 owners and told that we couldn't get any names of owners because Starwood refused to give them out based on the premise of privacy. I then proceeded to get the names from the USVI tax assessor website, which are public records. I got all of the owners names. However, in most cases it only gave their Westin address, not their home address. The exception to this was in the case of re-sales. There people's home addresses were given. So for all of the other people, I went onto www.ussearch.com. On there I could easily isolate most couple's who didn't have too common a last name. That would generally give me the hometown that they lived in. From there, I would go onto www.whitepages.com and find out the exact mailing address. Then I would send a letter with my contact information. By doing this, I got a group of about 100 owners interested in changing things at the Westin. By January, 2010, a group of 5 of us began weekly conference calls. Phil joined the group in February and Bob in March. Through the conference calls, we mutually decided to place an ad in Tradewinds and got the names of about 50 more owners. When the ballots came out for the election, we had roughly 200 people on our list. This is out of approx 2,800 owners. There were 35 people running for the Board. 5 of them were in our group. We all decided amongst ourselves that one of the most important things to do was get rid of the incumbents who didn't seem to do anything for us. So all of us decided to back Bob and Phil, e-mail this info to all 200 owners and ask them to tell their friends (not on the list of 200) to back them. Part of the reason we backed Phil was his research on USVI law that we technically have a right to take control of the Board. With us controling the board, it would be an entirely different ballgame. If you ask Phil about this now, he will deny this vehemently. However, I have his e-mail explaining his legal research on this matter. I won't hesitate to share this with everyone on Tugs this letter if he continues to deny this. The bottom line was that Bob and Phil were elected by a landslide. Tom, who many of you know, came in 3rd place. That was with him not even voting for himself.

After the election took place, we had a conference call with our group of 7. Everything suddenly had to be kept hush, hush from the other owners unless our group mutually decided to spread information. Apparently, I broke the cardinal rule by sending out an e-mail to the owners about some things going on without their permission. Arguments took place, name-calling etc. Bob told me I was disrespectful (totally forgetting that it was me who helped get him elected) and I used some words that I can't mention on here. As David well knows now, I forwarded Bob's e-mail to all 250 members. They got nasty responses and decided to break away from the conference calls. That is understandable. What is not understandable is that Bob and Phil were backed with the understanding that they would fight for control of the Board when and if elected. After their first Board meeting, they changed course and decided to "work with" Starwood. As much as I didn't like it, one has to live with the fact that we backed them. I agree that Bob and Phil are far, far better than their incumbents, but I wish they fought for control.

One last thing, I brought about my letter regarding the auditors because Bob and Phil voted to have them changed. Forget about my reasons to suggest they change. I have no credibility at this point. However, it is a fact that they voted to to change them at this most recent meeting. Maybe there is a good reason. Maybe not. Let them disclose this information. We (well no longer me personally) have a right to know the good and the bad. The letter sent out yesterday (Feb 17th) from the Board members was very positive. It would be a little more realistic to divulge this event which didn't go their way.

In summary, I want to apologize to you, David, again for sharing your analysis with so many owners. The information regarding the future fees is not some malicious rumor I'm spreading. It was based on information provided at one of the owner/manager meetings. Lastly, Bob and Phil, are far better than their incumbents. I just wish they took the step to try and take control.


Makai Guy

Jun 3, 2004
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Aiken, SC, USA
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Spicebush (Hilton Head Island)
WARNING from the BBS Administrator

One participant in this thread has reported receiving a threatening message from another participant in this thread via the forum's private messaging system. This behavior is totally unacceptable.

If you value your access to this forum, cease and desist NOW.

Any repeat of this performance will result in immediate permanent banning of the sender's bbs account without further warning.


TUG Member
Jan 5, 2011
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One participant in this thread has reported receiving a threatening message from another participant in this thread

Come On!

The deck isn't stacked against owners enough...now we are going to start fighting among our selves?

The thing that makes this BBS great is the collective free and easy flow of info for the collective good. This trend toward piling on each other is getting out of hand.


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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San Francisco Bay Area
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WPORV (Kauai)
WSJ-VGV (St. John)
WKV (Scottsdale)
I agree - we should work to change and improve WSJ-VG, and not be obstructionists. Bob and Phil are our allies - not our enemies (as I tried to make clear) - and I for one have supported them - even when I may not agree with everything going on. I know that returning WSJ-VG into a 1st class resort and great place for SVO ownership is their #1 priority - all the while being balanced as Owner representatives on the SVO controlled BOD (their duty) - which cannot be easy.

I have always tried to keep WSJ Tuggers up-to-date on many aspects of both WSJ and STJ - and originally started this thread (the most viewed on the TUG SVO forum - brag...) due to concerns of MFs and resort conditions - then continued as its own thread to keep Owners informed as evident by trip reports as well as news that impacts WSJ Owners and STJ lovers.

Gene - apology accepted - sorry this got out-of-hand. I realize that you and your group were in large part responsible for the positive change that has occurred at WSJ-VG, but to be clear - you and the group were not solely responsible. This thread on TUG (actives, viewed, and lurkers) - and the list from WSJ Owners that I got off RedWeek (before they stopped me) - was also a large part of the original list that I shared, and wrote to them to contact your group to get involved with changing the BOD make-up at WSJ-VG. I dropped off that group because I was concerned with the direction it was taking, and was a tough personal decision on my part - but the personalities were tough to guide away from the 'let's sue' mentality and focusing on the past - both which I abhor. (btw - this is IMO and my perception).

I just want the record to be set straight here - not that it matters moving forward (my intended direction...). This is evident in the vast amount of votes received by Phil and Bob - and doesn't come close to the numbers that were on anyone's list - also taking into account that other people on the ballot (including the ones you mentioned) also received many votes. The math was easy to figure out that the votes (well-deserved) received were due to multiple factors which Tuggers play a role as well.

Phil - thanks for responding. I know that you had to stay off of TUG for the reasons you state. As I said above - I hope people write to you and Bob to offer thanks as well as ideas and even constructive criticism. I hope they have. I know that this is experience has been a challenge for you and Bob - and one that is not easy to balance. I believe we have made great strides forward with you and Bob as our Owner Reps to the BOD, and still have a ways to go in what has always been my objective - that transparency is key to making this resort 1st class. Hopefully, with you and Bob as WSJ-VG BOD members and your stride forward will show SVO that they should try this at the other resorts.

Now let's move forward...
Last edited:


Jun 14, 2009
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Interested in new update information


I know you own a 2BR TH and so do we. I was wondering if you happened to find out, if there was any damage to the roof or any water damage. I called the resort and tried to ask the question and they said only renovations are being done and no damage repairs needed for the VG villas.

I am going to be there on May 7 and looking forward to the improvements.

Does anyone plan on using the recycling locker for items that owners do not want to bring back? I would like to leave beach chairs and possibly a older collapsible cooler for others to use.

Has anyone else been there within the last month? I hope the beach is looking good and Snorkel's is back better than ever.

Here's to looking forward to more improvements in the future!



TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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San Francisco Bay Area
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WPORV (Kauai)
WSJ-VGV (St. John)
WKV (Scottsdale)
Hi Tim -

No, I do not have any information beyond what has been posted and reported (resort is up and running as normal). I did not hear about any specific damage, but I am sure that it must have occurred to some extent as roofing and siding needed to be replaced (as is planned). You will be there before us - we go in June - so hopefully someone will chime in. Someone did go up to B34 (our building) after the last big storm and informed me that visibly nothing appeared out of sorts.

From Bob and Phils's letter - the roof, window, door and siding work will start with B34. I hope that this is completed before our June visit - but it would be great if you (or others) could give updates.
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