Be careful what you teach them. They're listening.
A mother was listening to her little boy do math, and he said,
"2+2 the son of a bitch is 4." She wasn't sure she heard right
so she listened again. He said, "3+3 the son of a bitch is 6."
She said. "Hey, now! Excuse me, young man. What are you doing?"
He said, "I'm doing math, like my teacher taught us."
The mom called the teacher. She said, "My son says he is doing
math like you taught him." She gave her the example. "He's
saying, '3+6 the son of a bitch is 9.'"
The teacher started cracking up. When she finally recovered
enough to speak, she said, "Ma'am, what I said was, 'The SUM OF
WHICH is 9.'"
The mother sent the teacher a dozen roses.
