For instance...
I'm not sure why exactly you're thinking Marriott will do this - do you mean that they'll want to get ahold of high-demand weeks for exchangers in the new system? We don't know yet if this is an overlay system or a total points conversion system, nevermind whether or not individual owners will be booking exchanges through Marriott in a similar fashion to what's done now in II or if it will be as simple to do as home resort reservations are now. So it's difficult for me to think through as far as you have to Marriott being nefarious for specific purposes.
But regardless, there is language in the contracts that says all owners have an equal chance at reservation availability, in addition to the language guaranteeing A week (not a SPECIFIC week remember) for owners who follow the reservation procedures. If Marriott is able to jump in ahead of deeded week owners by using some souped-up computer program to bolster their new system, I would guess that would be in violation of the contract provisions and subject to challenge.
Marriott is well aware that the #1 complaint is NOT II but reserving hot holiday weeks - just read this chat room for all the broken dream vacations.
Marriott knows what those units are and will snag them in order to serve their customers - the folks who join. They know that if they don't the howls will be deafening.
On the flip side, those that pull out their deed and convince themselves that they have nothing to worry about will find out what the computer term "Instance" means.
It's 7:59:59 AM CST the morning MOC owners want to reserve Christmas week 12 months out. They are at their PC and know they have a 1 in 200 (or whatever) chance of getting a 2BR over Christmas. 8:00 AM and they click the button for the reservation.
Seconds go by, then 30 seconds, and finally 1 minute 45 seconds later the screen comes back and says "No inventory left". What happened?
Well the Marriott reservation system, the same one you are showing on your PC, simply started an automated version and activated 200 Instances of it in .01 second.
You don't stand a chance.
Isn't this what some of you are saying "Buyer beware - the developer will follow the contract both parties signed".
Now this probably will be challenged in court and if Marriott has to hire 200 part time moms sitting at the kitchen table to be their agent they will.
Timeshares are like some of you say, it's about getting the reservation and that process can't be taken away but the developer doesn't have to work at human speed to get reservations...
If you don't think Marriott would ever do such a thing - fine. Just have 10,000 members who now want Christmas at MOC watch their atomic clocks at 8:00 AM CST and click their mouse...
Just pull out your deed and keep telling yourself Marriott can't harm you...