The kicker...
It would be possible although unlikely. creating unequal points for the same season would upset a lot of owners. When weeks have been purchased under the current system, no one cared what week was assigned. One week was a good as the other since everything was floating. If Marriott suddenly valued one week over another and, considering no one had a choice in the matter, owners who were assigned weeks at random that have a lower value would have a serious beef with Marriott.
Inventory control will be handled a little different. As it stands now, an owner who wants to exchange typically wants one of those strong summer weeks. They are under the impression they MUST have a strong week to get whatever they want in exchange regardless of how true it is. With points, it doesn't matter what week Interval gets. Points are points and they'll have a set trade value with Interval. Marriott will have contracted a cretain number of weeks of a determined quality. Otherwise, Marriott owners in the points system who actually want to stay at their home resort will have first pick of the prime weeks for personal use. Those weeks won't hit the exchange market with Interval. That's what's so nice about points programs. It's almost never a race to see who calls in first. Prime weeks get used by owners and not reserved to be given to Interval for exchange.
Probably part of the negotiations with II just weeks ago covered the topic of how the new exchange system interfaces with II - because it has to.
There are many ways to do this but basically X number of Points is required to book a 2BR of any season in II. Members do this and once in a while II goes to Marriott with those XXX Points and Marriott will turn over a basket of weeks of various sizes and II seasons. You, the member/owner, have no say in this matter.
We will see how smart Marriott is negotiating with II. WM did a super job for us owners, basically I do Request First exchanges, i.e. I don't give up one Point until a reservation is snagged and I accept it after the 24-hr rejection period.
For ALL 2BR units in II it costs me 10,000 Points which are ONLY deducted when a reservation is found and I accept it. Then I have a few days to go get those Points from my account, or pay cash for it, or rent Points from other WM owners.
A 1BR is 9,000 and a studio is 8,000 and at 59-days or less it costs me just 4,000 Points of anything I snag.
But here's the kicker - I must put up a WM unit to use for the exchange and the largest we have to exchange is a 3BR and that's the Trading Power we use to snag a 2BR or less. Basically I use 3BR WM in all my searches and make sure they start before the 59-day mark so even then I put up high trading power.
So I have lots of open II searches going on all the time and don't have the Points to satisfy all of them - I have time, throughout the year, to get them normally or to rent them from other WM owners.
Let's see how Marriott did representing we Marriott owners to II. Did they do as good a job as WM or did they cave in and take the minimum for us?
A through, in-depth, analysis of II exchanges has to be part of your due diligence because you will want to exchange out of Marriott sometime, maybe lots of times.