; Your speculation makes sense. The only real issue here is that over time newer resorts were issued higher point values and, in some cases, more recent buyers at the same resort received adjusted point allocations if they decided to trade in for points. The trade for reward point values aren't really a fair reflection of unit value, at least in my opinion.
My speculation would be a system similar to what you suggest, but I think a more equitable allotment would be to base the allocation on the fair market rental rate.
Equitable to whom? Not those who already have a higher MR value.
MR points already exist. Owners already know the comparative value. Yes, KoOlina gets 85,000, and Desert Springs Red gets 125,000. Owners bought KoOlina anyway, because they want to occupy KoOlina. KoOlina owners are not revolting because they only get 85,000 MR if they want a point exchange. They are not saying "gee, I should get as many hotel nights as Desert Springs owners".
We already know that the I.I. affiliation agreement has just been renewed. Owners will be able to exchange weeks internally and externally, as always.
I think the new program will be positioned as yet another "enhancement".
I may be way off base, but I give Marriott more credit than some here. I simply cannot swallow the idea that Marriott is going to announce a "me too" points program. Makes no sense to me.
Nor can I believe they will do anything that compromises the perception of value with its owners. 45% of all new sales are from existing owners and their direct referrals. NOTHING is worth screwing that up.
I expect nothing less than a program that redefines the branded timeshare industry.
I will be sorely disappointed if it is otherwise.
Marriott can do that by expanding the program to include some number of resort hotels (similar to the AP program), and use MR values as the basis for the currency (a close look a the AP point values suggests that they are structured at ~2:1 of Marriott Rewards).
Sold this way, owners will perceive the whole thing as yet another flexible option. No less fair than the current MR timeshare values.
I.I. trades will continue to be available, just as before
If owners want more, then they can buy more. IF all owners are initially grandfathered at no cost, it will be a home run (no, it will be a grand slam).
Of course, I am just mind tripping. But, I cannot escape my underlying assumption that the new program will have the competition scrambling. Otherwise, why do it? Not to screw existing owners who account for 45% of all new business.