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This is why I think any system if it is ever introduced will be a pure point overlay system. Marriott will always sell weeks, except at perhaps new resorts.
I wouldn't mind getting into RCI, so we can trade into Disney. Those resorts are nice, and with a little one on the way, it might not be such a bad thing to trade into there once in a while.
I guess my reasons are selfish, Doug.
I wouldn't mind staying at some of the Hiltons too.
Although I don't believe the salesperson referred to in the OP was accurate, particularly with respect to assigning units at a home resort, the salesperson was almost certainly accurate that big changes are forthcoming.
It is pretty clear that Marriott will be making some changes in June or, if the new program is delayed, sometime soon thereafter. What will the new program be? We don't know very much. What does seem pretty clear is that there will be a points program that will apply to many (most?) future timeshare sales by Marriott, will involve exchanging based on points and will be available to current Marriott timeshare owners - for a price. That price is supposed to be nominal (whatever that means) for those who have purchased their timeshares from Marriott and probably quite a bit more expensive for those who have purchased resale. The changes are not likely to affect the privileges that we are all guaranteed by the legal documents of our respective resorts. Rather they will likely offer an exchanging “enhancement” for those who wish to participate.
How do we know that some big changes are coming? We first heard about the changes almost two years ago. I have had some clearly-in-the-know Marriott people confirm those changes to me on several occasions over the past two years and I reported that information here each time. What we are now hearing is about the same as what I originally heard way back when. The only difference is that the effective date has been delayed by about six months, not unreasonable for such a big project in a down economy. Further, Fletch, a much respected member of the TUG community in past years who has just resigned from a very lucrative sales position at Marriott, has confirmed that a new program will be forthcoming this year (see the above link to his posts).
All we can do is wait to see what the details are and continue to speculate.
As to whether the changes will be good or bad, I'm certain the answer is a resounding YES! There is no way to be sure, but I'm guessing that platinum week owners at top resorts who bought from Marriott will love the new program and resale owners of bronze and silver weeks will hate it.
I realize these are old posts, but it seems that the marriott sales team is still using the same threats. I have decided to look resale versus buying direct thanks to information on TUG. My response from Marriott sales was to extend my deadline and to warn:
"i'm glad you didn't purchase that resale you told me about since come June anyone with weeks not purchase through Marriott will have a very difficult time going forward. I don't know what all the means, except that it came from pretty high sources"
I guess he has convinced me i should wait and see what the change means!
Next time start out by asking them this. If I buy from you today and, say in 10 years, something happens and I can't use my timeshare anymore, can I sell it to someone else? Once they enthusiastically answer yes. Then say I guess the thing to do is find someone who wants to sell their unit and see if they'll take less than what you're trying to sell this unit for. Then sit back and watch the confunsion as they try to figure out how to get out of that one.
Should they start running down resales, then you can hit them with why buy something that's worthless if I need to resell it later? You can really get them confused, back peddling and side stepping if you're one step ahead of them.
The sales folk are slick and they have a response for everything. Their answer to all of this will be "Marriott will sell it for you" it isn't worthless.
and welcome to TugThanks to all for suggestions and education. my 15% marriott celebration discount price lock is now gone....i will find the right resale
and welcome to Tug![]()
You might want to use a few dollars of what you saved and join for access to the review section before making a purchase.
I think Marriott would have problems if they announced this rumored system in today's conference call before giving owners official notice, especially because this informed opinion disagrees that there is a need to announce it to stockholders.
Marriott had its 1st Quarter conference call this morning.
Stated that there will not be any investment in the timeshare business for the "foreseeable future".
Current weekly interval sales inventory is projected to last ~3 years.
Timeshare sales margins are improving. Closing efficiencies have improved from 8% to 11%, plus operating expenses are down.
Rental business has increased 9%.
I don't know. This rumored point system is not a matter of national security. If a new product introduction were on the horizon, they would have mentioned it while providing guidance to the investment community. Marriott was forthcoming about guidance on other business matters through 2011.
I had a night off for a change and, as is my habit, thoughts of vacation and vacation planning are something I gravitate towards. Having given all the rumors, doomsday predictions et... much thought, I've come to a few conclusions.
1. Who cares. Marriott is going to make changes. All timeshare organizations make changes. If they don't, they die. Of course we're in a decent position with our Marriott ownership because we're still interested in using the Marriott weeks we purchased but.......times change and I'm sure that won't always be the case.
2. When looking over my options, I have three of 7 units that are in two different points based exchange systems, HGVC and DRI. Guess which is the more flexible and offers me the greatest options, points or weeks. If you guessed points your right. There's a great deal more manipulation I can do with points over Marriott's current weeks based program.
Points offer advantages.
1. I can make internal exchanges and avoid paying RCI or Interval exchange fee's
2. I can take advantage of slower seasons, which require fewer points.
3. I can move up to higher seasons by combining points from all my units or combing points from different years.
4. If I can't use my points this year, I can save them into next year. If things change I can borrow them back into this year.
5. I can take short trips less than a week.
6. I'm not locked into traditional arrival departure days. This allows me flexibility to take advantage of lower airfares.
7. If I have a late flight departure, which is often the case for us in Hawaii, I can extend my stay to 8 nights and have use of the resort for that last day. It allows me to leave at my leasure rather than having to find something to do and carry all my luggage around town in my car (or check it with the resort bell boys).
8. If I don't need to use all my points for the stays I want, I can use those points to offset the costs of other services like rental cars, convert to FF miles, save for a bigger vacation next year or maybe knock a few dollars off a cruise we've been wanting to take.
Will Marriott work the same way though, or will one just be depositing a regular week in to II?9. If I exchange through Interval International and I wait until the Flexchange period, the point cost for a week is 50%. That would allow us two weeks of vacation for the price of one if I'm flexible.
10. There is no waste in value. If I hold a higher value resort and want to go to a resort with fewer amenities, maybe an area that doesn't have a lot of high end resorts or, maybe I want to go in a lower season (say Gold rather than Platinum), I don't have to waste my entier high value week to get that exchange.
Sure I know everyone's nervous about the cost of the new program, can week keep our deeds, home resort advantage and where our weeks will fall on the points valuation chart but, we're pulling a Peter Pan and fighting with our shadow on the wall. There's nothing solid to hang our hats on.
It's good to talk about it. It's good to look at what other systems are doing. It's good to have knowledge so that once it's official, we'll be able to ask good questions. It's foolish to worry about something that hasn't happened yet.
I'm enouraged that Marriott is considering a points based system. If it's a good one we may have five of our seven weeks in points based systems, leaving only the two Branson weeks we own as traditional points based exchange weeks. In my mind that coud be a very good thing for us.
Marriott had its 1st Quarter conference call this morning.
Stated that there will not be any investment in the timeshare business for the "foreseeable future".
Current weekly interval sales inventory is projected to last ~3 years.
Timeshare sales margins are improving. Closing efficiencies have improved from 8% to 11%, plus operating expenses are down.
Rental business has increased 9%.
I don't know. This rumored point system is not a matter of national security. If a new product introduction were on the horizon, they would have mentioned it while providing guidance to the investment community. Marriott was forthcoming about guidance on other business matters through 2011.
Will have to check if they have a recorded replay of the call, I suspect they probably do.