My head is spinning again

. I understand the concept of keeping inventories separate (or at least I think I do) with a non-converted weeks or converted weeks/points program. But if new program converters are able to convert at will on an annual basis, wouldn't everyone booking at their home resort just be competing against each other, presumably from the same inventory? I think the issue will be whether those who convert to points and purely points owners can reserve at the same time, in which case the inventory would have to be separate and I would think home resort advantage would be impinged. Where would members of the program using their owned week fall- with the point allocation or with the week allocation?
IF week owners and new program converters booking at their home resort get to reserve before point owners, then I would think the system would be more simplistic. I can also understand that, for legacy owners, having to wait a month or more to book at their non-owned resort would make intrinsic sense, preserving the home resort priority that many of the other systems do.
However, where I think the waters will muddy is where do new point owners fall in? They have no home resort priority (unless they sell points tied to a specific resort, but from what has been posted it appears that points will just be generic points. IF that's the case, where will their reservation opportunities lie? Will there be set aside a portion of ownership at each resort for their reservations, or will all points get to reserve just a little later than anyone booking with a home resort advantage? Will legacy owners all get first crack at their home resort? After all, aren't the points of legacy owners converting equivalent to the points of new point purchasers?
I know I am missing something here....