Travel/Cancel Information
RCI is committed to providing you maximum flexibility at this uncertain time. Please see adjustments to our current cancel policy as you consider how to proceed with your travel plans.
You may cancel confirmed points and weeks reservations at this time that have a check-in date through April 5, 2020 and receive an exchange fee credit for a future reservation. Exchange fee credit valid through June 30, 2020 to rebook a future reservation. Your travel may occur after June 30, 2020 date, but must still be within the expiration of either your deposited week or RCI Points used. If your reservation is for travel after April 5, 2020, please check for future updates.
Please contact our experienced vacation guides for assistance at 1-317-805-8000 (RCI Weeks), 1-317-805-9941 (RCI Points)- Monday-Friday 8AM-8PM and Saturday 8AM-5PM or chat with us on
We understand that this is a time of uncertainty and we encourage you, as always, to review all advisories before you travel.
We realize travel is important to you and at the heart of what we do. As we continue to monitor the situation we are committed to keeping you informed.
RCI is committed to providing you maximum flexibility at this uncertain time. Please see adjustments to our current cancel policy as you consider how to proceed with your travel plans.
You may cancel confirmed points and weeks reservations at this time that have a check-in date through April 5, 2020 and receive an exchange fee credit for a future reservation. Exchange fee credit valid through June 30, 2020 to rebook a future reservation. Your travel may occur after June 30, 2020 date, but must still be within the expiration of either your deposited week or RCI Points used. If your reservation is for travel after April 5, 2020, please check for future updates.
Please contact our experienced vacation guides for assistance at 1-317-805-8000 (RCI Weeks), 1-317-805-9941 (RCI Points)- Monday-Friday 8AM-8PM and Saturday 8AM-5PM or chat with us on
We understand that this is a time of uncertainty and we encourage you, as always, to review all advisories before you travel.
We realize travel is important to you and at the heart of what we do. As we continue to monitor the situation we are committed to keeping you informed.