Were it not for the children who were molested, we wouldn't even be here talking about this[\quote]
But this is a REST IN PEACE thread for Joe Paterno, not a 'let's find a way to support the victims of Sandusky' thread or 'let's spit on JoePa's grave!' thread. I may still be here without the scandal.
What I might toast the deceased is very appropriate in this kind of thread. Think of me with the guys shooting pool in the back of the bar, those of us gathering after his service, remembering him our own way, as a football guy. cuz that's what he was. Sandusky was scum. whether or not he actually did it, something is wrong with that man. And I think he probably did bad things to boys. But Joe Paterno didn't.
Laura, I am sorry. I truly did not mean to offend you.
I didn't come to the this thread to jump to his defense, I just found the topic turning very insensitive for obit'ish nature, while I just wanted to remember the coach and his teams.
I don't presume to have really known the guy. Anyone here actually know the guy, have him actually know your name? Did you know for sure what did or didn't occur and when and in view of whom? no, you don't. and neither do I. I am American and believe in innocent until proven guilty. in court and in my mind.
so give the dead man a thread of peace. take the accusations and such elsewhere. in a sandusky thread where joepaterno can just be another guy in the story. because that's what he was so far as I know. I do not know for a fact that joe paterno had all the power at the university, that he could have done anything he wanted. how do any of you KNOW this?
A desperate spreading of blame to whomever came near the problem is unfair. I wouldn't fire someone because someone else said they saw them do something wrong. and I don't KNOW that Joe Paterno did anything wrong, nor that he KNEW that Sand was doing wrong. I hold the campus authorities/police culpable for not fully investigating and preventing further incidents. They were notified. Where are the HANG THOSE GUYS threads??
But one man who had no control over the boys camp, did not have kids under his own entrustment molested (Sandusky didn't molest any Penn State students, right?), did not have the highest power in the land, and frankly, probably wasn't as brilliant in life as he was in football? No, I am not laying this at his doorstep because I actually think he did what he should. I'm not sure he could have done much more, and if you ARE sure, start a thread for the proof.
but, sheesh, give the grave dancing a rest in this thread, will ya? go elsewhere to do it.
Rest In Peace, Coach Paterno