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New Year weightloss thread -- who's in??


TUG Member
Dec 30, 2007
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I meant to say congratulations. :clap: You've kept it up! You go girl!!


Thanks! COngrats to you too for the loss. Even if it's losing the same few pounds over and over again, we could be like the rest of the world -- putting on 5 pounds more every single year!

I had a low fat version pesto chicken tonight with peas. Really yummy. I need to work out but it's still 90 degrees here. What's happening with our weather???? K


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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I haven't really been keeping up with this thread, but I did finally get serious about losing a few pounds at the beginning of April after returning from our Disneyland trip in late March.

I started out the month at 180.8 and am down to 176.2 as of this morning, so down 4.6 lbs in 3 weeks. I am a little over 6'1", and am targeting sub 175 (hopefully 170) by Memorial Day. I've found my biggest weakness is controlling portion size. I typically avoid really bad stuff (carbs) anyway, but I can eat like a horse at meal time. Limiting my portions and increasing my outdoor activity (due to better weather) has enabled me to make some progress toward my goal. Now to stick with it........



Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Los Angeles
I was up 1.8 lbs at my weigh-in last Saturday.

I've been on the road again, in Orlando last week on vacation...Las Vegas this week for a trade show. Last week we cooked at our ts most of the week and I thought I was being careful along with alot of walking at the Disney parks.

The reality though was there was lots of ice cream, beer and other snacks that I wasn't really keeping track of and my regular excercise regime went right out the window as well. The one thing I am happy about is I found a meeting while I was in Orlando and weighed in.

This week I have a couple of vendor dinners, one last night were I essentially went over a cliff. I have a buffet today at lunch time where I need to excercise control and hopefully after that I'll just stick to Lean Cuisene &/or more normal food cooking again at my unit for the duration. This particular show has always been a landmine to my efforts.



TUG Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Elan, congrats on the weight loss! Portion control is hreally hard for me too. But what I have learned lately is that I can fill my entire plate as long as 3/4 of it is low cal foods like veggies. It feels like I am eating a ton but in reality I am just having the vegetables, which are not fattening. Then a tiny 1/4 of my big fat plate is my protein/carbs. And I dish out everything the first time and make myself promise not to reach for seconds.

UWSurfer -- don't give up. Travelling is soooo hard! I dunno how you manage with all the temptations. I find that the only time I can lose is if I do Lean Cousines (which are obviously very portion controlled so one can't cheat). This week we have some drug rep lunches and they are killing me. The food is always yummy take out.

So my new thing is to make a salad out of everything! It doesn't matter if they bring me sandwitches from Panera or teriyaki bowls from Chix, I take out all the carbs and put them aside. Then I just pile the meat and whatever veggies there are on a bunch of lettuce I keep in the fridge and then use my low fat dressing on top. They look at me like I am nuts but it seems to help me feel more full and not ingest so many calories. I thereby avoid the mayo and heavy dressings plus all the really dense breads and rice/pasta combos.



TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Philadelphia, PA
I have lost a total of 21 pounds and 2 sizes! Nutrisystem really worked for me.:cheer: :cheer:


TUG Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Congrats Ellen!!!

How about some motivating before and after pix! How long have you been doing Nutrisystem? And what happens now that you are done?? Do you still do some of their meals as maintenance?

I am so happy for you!!! :banana:



TUG Member
Sep 3, 2006
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The Great State of Pennsylvania
I lost 28 pounds since Nov and want to lose another 20. Just exercise (almost every day) and watching what I eat.
the key is to just keep on track. Even if you "go off the wagon", get back on and be focused.


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Philadelphia, PA
Here are the before and after pictures

Congrats Ellen!!!

How about some motivating before and after pix! How long have you been doing Nutrisystem? And what happens now that you are done?? Do you still do some of their meals as maintenance?

I am so happy for you!!! :banana:



This is me with my skinny sister at Thanksgiving.


This is me with my (still) skinny sister at my 50th birthday in March.

I started Nutrisystem in January - did it full blast for 2 months. Now I'm on their lunch and snacks (sometimes dinner) for maintenance - though I'd like to lose a little more...


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Philadelphia, PA
I lost 28 pounds since Nov and want to lose another 20. Just exercise (almost every day) and watching what I eat.
the key is to just keep on track. Even if you "go off the wagon", get back on and be focused.

Congratulations!!!! That's a lot. Are you at goal?


TUG Member
Jun 8, 2005
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Charleston, SC
Resorts Owned
Bluegreen Points Lodge Alley Inn.
Brewster Green (two weeks).
What's working, though slowly, for me...

I've lost 32 pounds in a little over a year. I haven't really changed what I eat (though I do feel that I've had less appetite). I love chocolate and I eat one candy bar a day.

I've changed how much I move. We have two homes and I split my time between them. Beginning last Fall, when in NC, I work out three days a week...mostly weight training to strenghten my back...just twenty minutes on a treadmill. I don't like it but I make myself go because I hired a trainer, pay in advance and know he's made a trip to the gym to train me. Otherwise, I'd make excuses. When in SC, I walk, walk, walk. Not fast, not telling myself it's to lose weight, just long walks around Charleston...to get a skinny Starbucks latte, the newspaper, shopping, looking, etc.

It's frustrating to go back to NC, work out three days, and still gain a pound or two back that I lost while in SC... then go back to SC and though eating at restaurants and thus eating bread ,desserts, etc.,that I wouldn't in NC, I still lose more pounds than in NC. It's got to be the walking there! I've only managed to get ahead by three pounds in the past two months but I really don't care as long as I don't gain back beyond a weight I've set as not acceptable for me again. Losing more would be great too! And I know you'll think/say that if I'd just drop the candy bar, the bread and desserts in restaurants, walk in NC, etc., I could lose more and you'd be right. But I know me. If I deny myself too much, if I tell myself that I'm on a diet...that there are things I can not have...if I set up a menu, well, it's over because my mind becomes constantly focused on food, food, food and also because,well, I'm just rebellious and that's a sure way for me to sabatoge myself. Diets have never worked for me long term. I've lost lots of pounds over the years but usually just to put them back on plus more. This seems to be working for me long term.


Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Los Angeles
I new it wouldn't be a fun weigh-in this morning. I got knocked out of my routines and fell into many bad habits while I was away and didn't return to my good habits while I was back this week. I put on another three lbs over the past two weeks, in addition to the 1.8 while I was in Orlando.

Of course upon reflection I not only wasn't doing things I should, I was doing many things I had no business doing. It's my own fault. grrrrrr

I'm not a happy camper this morning. I did however go to the store after the meeting and stock up on the things which help me be successful and had breakfast and later today lunch using these items.

Not a happy camper at all. :crash:

However, I DID see Ellen's pic's...CONGRATULATIONS they are terrific!
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TUG Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Ellen, WOW WOW WOW!!! You look great! I am so proud of you!!!! :cheer: You are my idol. I want to put on skinny jeans too!

Glynda, congratulations on your weight loss. My mom lost 30 pounds doing Jenny Craig but mostly walking 4-5 miles a day! I am seriously thinking of changing from biking to walking because that seems to work a little better. Or I am just too used to my stationary bike to make it count.

UWSurfer, I am with you! I am up a pound too. It's the darn chocolate! I just can't keep myself from eating M and M's and getting Mochas at Starbucks. I don't eat a lot and I get nonfat mochas, but I think it's just all settling in me. I need to withdraw myself from all the sweets and I am sure it would work.

I really need to commit again! My skinny sister is coming to visit at the end of June and I soooo badly want to get rid of these last 10 pounds by then!!! Argh. I think I am going to try walking again to see if that helps my metabolism....



TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Philadelphia, PA
NOTHING worse than a skinny sister - you can do it!
My favorite saying is:

Lord, if I can't be skinny, let my friends be fat. :hysterical:


Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Los Angeles
According to the bathroom scale I was up about a pound Saturday morning, so I pulled out a tried and true method and wore my helium filled socks as I stepped on the WW's scale. (Yeah, right :rofl: ) Actually I did go jog for the first time in a week first thing...then did an errand and did a 10am weigh-in Saturday.

I was down 1.2 lbs.

Doing better with tracking and excercise. Mothers Day BBQ didn't exactly match up with what I should had, but it's managable and I got back on my bike for the first time in over a month for 10 miles late today. I've got plans to step up and return to my excercise regime this week, starting with an early morning swim and run Monday. It's also bike to work week, with LA County's bike to work day this Thursday which I'll do. http://www.bikeleague.org/programs/bikemonth/

Time to be serious and get back on this road once again.
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TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Philadelphia, PA
Do the Nutrisystem - if not the whole program- buy the snacks. They are 150 and totally satisfying!


TUG Member
Dec 30, 2007
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SOoooooo how is everyone doing?? I am thinking we need some inspiration to get us back on track! How about a mini challenge??

10 pounds before the 4th of July!?!?!? Anyone with me?? I got a freebie coupon for Weight Watchers so I am going to sign up again for their trial offer for a month and just track my points. I am frankly so sick of microwave meals from Jenny Craig (plus they are sooo expensive) that I decided that I would like to go back to eating more freshly prepared food again and just try to keep track more carefully....

I have 21 points for each day plus 35 extra for the week so I am going to start writing it down again to see if i can lose a bit of weight. I AM down a pound since 2 weeks ago so things are going the right direction, but I need motivation badly!!!

Anyone want to join me in the 10lb challenge?? We have a little over 7 weeks to do it...



TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Ocala, FL
Keep up the great work!!! I just weighed in yesterday at weight watches and made my goal weight. It felt so great. It took me nearly 16 months to lose 25 pounds. The last few were really slow to lose but the struggle was worth it. DH started with me and hit most mile markers before I did but a 28 day cruise last fall took him off track and he has just finished losing the 13 pounds he gained on the cruise. He only has about 4 more pounds to make goal--has lost about 32 total.


TUG Member
Dec 30, 2007
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CONGRATULATIONS Dottie!!! I am so happy for you! I cannot wait to be in your shoes! I also know from my mom, who made goal a few months ago (35lb I think), that maintaining is not easy either.

Any diet tips or tricks or advice to those of us slow losers who are still trying...?



TUG Review Crew: Expert
TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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New Mexico
Resorts Owned
Maui Lea at Maui Hill
San Diego Country Estates
Any diet tips or tricks or advice to those of us slow losers who are still trying...?


Don't do anything to lose weight that you're not willing, or able, to do to keep it off.

Totat weight loss - 60ish pounds
Time at goal - almost seven years


Tug Review Crew
TUG Member
Feb 10, 2007
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Los Angeles
Down 0.4 lbs at weigh-in from Saturday.

Given last Saturday's "loss" and the circumstances surrounding it, I'll take it.

I did in fact pick up the routines: running, riding & swimming again. Now the trick is to be consistent.


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Ocala, FL
CONGRATULATIONS Dottie!!! I am so happy for you! I cannot wait to be in your shoes! I also know from my mom, who made goal a few months ago (35lb I think), that maintaining is not easy either.

Any diet tips or tricks or advice to those of us slow losers who are still trying...?


Thanks Katherine.
Probably one very important thing was to write everything down. When I stopped doing that, I kept on losing but so very slowly. Trouble is that one reason I stopped writing was that I wanted to eat a little more and I did. I don't think I could have done it without increasing my exercise. I always exercise, but I bumped it up with more walking at a faster pace.

Congratulations to all of you who lost much more weight than I did. I really do admire your achievement. I am going to work very hard to keep the weight off. It really feels good. I lost 3 sizes and I hope to get to #4. Might take a while.


TUG Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Thanks Katherine.
Probably one very important thing was to write everything down. When I stopped doing that, I kept on losing but so very slowly. Trouble is that one reason I stopped writing was that I wanted to eat a little more and I did. I don't think I could have done it without increasing my exercise. I always exercise, but I bumped it up with more walking at a faster pace.

Congratulations to all of you who lost much more weight than I did. I really do admire your achievement. I am going to work very hard to keep the weight off. It really feels good. I lost 3 sizes and I hope to get to #4. Might take a while.

You are so right! When I stop writing things down, I cheat just a tad and therefore stop losing. I don't really gain weight ever -- I just never lose. I think I have been trying to lose these last 6-7 pounds for at least 8 months now! I drop a pound, feel good so I don't keep as close track, and the pound comes back. Lather, rinse and repeat.

So I am in Hawaii as I write this, sipping a (small) margarita! Hmmmmmmm. :rolleyes: :hysterical:



TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Philadelphia, PA
You are so right! When I stop writing things down, I cheat just a tad and therefore stop losing. I don't really gain weight ever -- I just never lose. I think I have been trying to lose these last 6-7 pounds for at least 8 months now! I drop a pound, feel good so I don't keep as close track, and the pound comes back. Lather, rinse and repeat.

So I am in Hawaii as I write this, sipping a (small) margarita! Hmmmmmmm. :rolleyes: :hysterical:


OH !!! Hawaii is not a great place to lose weight!!! Have fun - but good that it's small! :clap:

I am up for a challenge. I am at a good goal, but scared of gaining back - so I want to lose 6 more. I'm in!


TUG Member
Jun 6, 2005
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Ocala, FL
Enjoy Hawaii and those margaritas! What help me (I think) on a long cruise was loading up on fresh fruits. That should be an option in Hawaii. Also, I increased my walking for the last few pounds. That should be fun in Hawaii--especially long beach walks between margartas. I walked a couple of miles before my last weigh in and sweated off nearly a pound in our hot Florida weather. Can't do that for today's weigh in. We are having Florida monsoon rains. Luckily, they give you that 2 pound margin.