From my previous posts I have been accused of being a blinded Marriott fan. I am not. In fact, I own at HarbourPoint and we have recently had a number of assessments and there are some parallels with OC. Taking everything that has been said, I do believe that you have some valid complaints about how the BOD is operating and that your passion should focus on those issues. The ones I am aware of are:
1. In the BOD response, they indicate that a succession plan developed at the Jan 2008 meeting. Can the board provide the minutes of this meeting?
2. Previously, minutes for the BOD meetings were available on the owners website. They no longer seem to be available. Why were the previous minutes removed, and can we reinstate the policy of having the minutes available to owners?
3. MVCI has operated a sales office in the common areas of the OC for a number of years. What consideration has OC received for that space?
4. In the BOD response, they indicate the engineers report confirms that the building and roof are not structurally defective. As this goes to a health and safety issue that concerns all owners, can the owners be provided a copy of the report on the owners website. If this is not possible, can the BOD appoint a special committee to offer independent verification of this statement?
5. In the BOD response, they indicate that MVCI is willing to pay a portion of the roof replacement. What is the basis for MVCI doing so, and is the OC being asked to waive any legal rights in exchange for this consideration?
6. In the BOD response, they indicate that one of the reasons for increased MF is that the reserve fund was not properly funded in prior years, and the replacement costs of certain items is much higher then in the US. When was the last reserve study for the OC done, and did that reserve study take into consideration the higher cost of items/labor in Aruba. If not, when will a replacement study be conducted.
7. MVCI is currently the mgt company of the OC, working for the owners. When does their current mgt contact expire?
I think a well-crafted letter endorsed by Mark's supporters and focusing on the material issues would be the starting point. But all this innuendo about the BOD politics and the BOD being Marriot cheerleaders and puppets, detracts from the real issues. As someone else said, it makes for an interesting reality show, but it is so inflamatory that it drowns out your real issues.
And if you think you have it bad here, just pop over to the Wyndam or Worldmark forums where you have BOD's actually controlled by the developers with employees and former employees in the majority on the BOD. Even if everything said here about MVCI was true, MVCI still looks like angels in comparison.