Eric (and I am not accusing you of working for Marriott

) you are asking clarifying questions and I have no problem addressing them. Other owners may have their own input as well.
Here is what I am trying to accomplish:
1) Get 10% of the sold units to call a special board meeting.
In this meeting the goal is to:
a) Change by-laws to promote more transparency enabling owners to be more informed of events from the board. This mean:
i) Posting minutes of all board meetings on the web within a reasonable time
ii) Owners have input to major financial impacts to the Ocean
iii) Ability to recall B-members of the board when Ocean Club best interests are not supported
iv) Ensure accountability upon all board members
v) Make it easier for owners to call special board members
vi) Allow owners to attend or listen in to board members
vii) President of the board is elected by the owners and can not be removed unless voted on by the owners
b) Recall certain board members who have not performed their fiduciary duty to the Owners who elected them
c) For me personally I would like to get Allan back as president as he has been a fighter for the owners. That is why Marriot board members and Ocean club board members forced him out as president the day before the general members meeting. And the new president left prior to the general owners meeting so he wouldn’t have to face the owners.
d) Elect a board that will look out for owners best interests currently Marriott is walking all over this board and dictating what to say and what to do. This is obvious when you read the board memos, attend the owner meeting and speak to Marriott representatives (as I have spoken to a few of them).
2) I am looking for a board willing to do what ever is necessary to get Marriott to pay a fair share as well as recover costs associated with all the damages caused by the defective building since they started selling the units. The owners have been paying all repair costs due to flooding leaks etc, since inception. As stated previously, they never revealed to owners that the building shell stood for 5 years before they bought it.
3) I am not asking to a roll back to 2008, what I am asking for is a reasonable increase, as we all expected, (not 35 - 40%). I do believe that if Marriott pays the Ocean club back for all the work we have paid, plus the 750k for water proofing the building which was never done, repairing the roof which they are responsible, the cost for storm damage by Omar, which is due to the poor building quality), and paying the fair share of rent for the common space and receiving fair share from the stores will get us to a fair and equitable increase.
4) Reevaluate what we are doing in the refurbishment. According to Marriott they recommended a refurbishment about 5 million less than the board is spending. Before we start this refurbishment, lets relook and cut the costs. This will prevent or at the minimum reduce the 2 years of assessments we a will be charged
4) You will not hear from Allan on this thread cause as a board member he could not post without the board authorizing the post. I do know that owners that have written to Allan and have gotten communications back from him, not like when you write to our current president who has not responded to anyone. I have been in touch with many owners who have written and spoken to Allan. He will not and can not get involved in this fight due to being on the board.
Eric I hope this answers your questions. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any others.