Bingo!!! Great!
Do a reverse look up on 718-627-5300.
This is the number to the Sephardic Lebanese Congregation. The phone number is in the site.
Here is the link.
Rabbi Elbaz is mentioned in the, and the synagogue site.
Sue we can take this offline if you would like? I am of the opinion that the leaders of this community should be aware of the "perceived" behavior of this group. How would should we proceed. I am willing to help but I don't want to offend anyone in the group. I need the support of the TUG community, if I am going to represent TUG.
Great sleuthing, Billy.
First, I wouldn't tell anyone I was "representing TUG" unless Brian gave his consent - not for any discussion including this one.
Second, I've been interested in this topic since the very first time I read about it here - even knowing that with human nature being what it is, probably some of what's been reported over the years has been embellished. But I've never had any doubt that enough owners/guests onsite in Aruba have had their vacations negatively affected by what happens there, and that Marriott owes something (at the very least, an acknowledgement that there's a problem) to those owners/guests.
My opinion is that speaking with the group leaders shouldn't be done by anyone except whichever Marriott officials are responsible for contracting with them, and maybe anybody who is personally connected with the group and concerned enough to approach them. Anyone who hasn't been an eyewitness isn't credible enough, I don't think, to put her/himself in the type of position you're talking about.
So I guess what I'm saying is, TUG doesn't have the right or the responsibility to act as a liaison, not unless Brian wants to take up that umbrella himself. What TUG can do, and I think has done very well, is educate anyone who comes looking for info. If anyone from the group wants to use TUG contact info to ask my opinion further I'll be happy to share it, but the chance of that happening is zero - they don't owe me the time of day. Same thing for any Marriott eyes watching this - I'd be very happy to put together a history of links from over the years but pretty sure they're not going to ask. Besides, I'd bet the farm that they've already collected them.