TUG Member
NEVER! My Yankees hat is a 'have to bring' item on any vacation!
Then I can no longer protect you. You'll be on your own in Bean Town. Nice knowing you. I am glad for the years we had together.
NEVER! My Yankees hat is a 'have to bring' item on any vacation!
I'm trying to get my house cleaned and my packing done; we're off to Barony tomorrow! It's going to feel like springtime there after these frigid temps in the Boston area. Can't wait.![]()
NEVER! My Yankees hat is a 'have to bring' item on any vacation!
Then I can no longer protect you. You'll be on your own in Bean Town. Nice knowing you. I am glad for the years we had together.![]()
I've only been to Boston once. Went there to catch a Yankee game at Fenway and stay the weekend. It was the first time the Yankees were in Boston after 9/11. It was also Patriots Day weekend so the City was very busy. There were about 10 of us, most of us were NYPD or FDNY. Some wore Yankees hats, some wore FDNY or NYPD hats. The locals treated us awesome. Every bar we were in people were buying us drinks(including the bartenders)and shaking our hands. We had a lot of conversations about 9/11 and the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry. Now being 2014 I'm not so sure how I'd be treated walking around Boston in a Yankees hat(especially after a Yankee win) That said, I'll never forget how well the people of Boston treated us that weekend.![]()
The only things, which some have taken umbrage about, that Marriott has agreed to in order to accommodate the group's religious observances are providing an elevator attendant (or having what is referred to as a "Sabbath elevator," which is an elevator that stops at every floor from Friday sunset to Saturday night in lieu of having an attendant), having pre-ripped sheets of toilet paper or bathroom tissues, and providing kosher catering facilities.It would be interesting to put together a list of the offending behavior so we can go through it and see what is religious tradition or kids being kids vs what is actually dangerous and wrong.
Friend, you deserve to be treated well no matter where you go and I hope it will be the same when you return here.
Hey... I live in two of those area codes. I've very offended by your comments :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical:
All kidding aside, I'm just very grateful that I now know about hell week. I'm wondering if there are any other areas/resorts to avoid during "special" weeks?
I was in Anaheim last summer for a conference at the same time as VidCon and it was not a good experience. About 10,000 kids from the ages of 10 - 18 in the same hotel. I ended up getting 1/2 my stay comped and the manager let me use the service elevators for the week. It was a crazy week.
Thanks for picking up on my oversight. I meant to say 516 instead of 561, but you and I both know that 3/4 of the 561 area code comes from 718-516-212-914 and 201. Related, on landing of a jetBlue flight from JFK to Fort Lauderdale, the flight attendant welcomed us to "New York City's sixth borough."
Great sleuthing, Billy.
First, I wouldn't tell anyone I was "representing TUG" unless Brian gave his consent - not for any discussion including this one.
Second, I've been interested in this topic since the very first time I read about it here - even knowing that with human nature being what it is, probably some of what's been reported over the years has been embellished. But I've never had any doubt that enough owners/guests onsite in Aruba have had their vacations negatively affected by what happens there, and that Marriott owes something (at the very least, an acknowledgement that there's a problem) to those owners/guests.
My opinion is that speaking with the group leaders shouldn't be done by anyone except whichever Marriott officials are responsible for contracting with them, and maybe anybody who is personally connected with the group and concerned enough to approach them. Anyone who hasn't been an eyewitness isn't credible enough, I don't think, to put her/himself in the type of position you're talking about.
So I guess what I'm saying is, TUG doesn't have the right or the responsibility to act as a liaison, not unless Brian wants to take up that umbrella himself. What TUG can do, and I think has done very well, is educate anyone who comes looking for info. If anyone from the group wants to use TUG contact info to ask my opinion further I'll be happy to share it, but the chance of that happening is zero - they don't owe me the time of day. Same thing for any Marriott eyes watching this - I'd be very happy to put together a history of links from over the years but pretty sure they're not going to ask. Besides, I'd bet the farm that they've already collected them.
It is with reasonable certainty to conclude that a large group affiliated with a Synagogue located in Brooklyn, NY is rude, and disruptive during the 3rd, and 4th week of January at the Marriott Complex located in Palm Beach. For all of the details refer to post 199 in this thread. There is a URL that lists activities, along with a phone number and name that is directly tied to the Rabbi, and the Synagogue. I am not painting a broad brush here due to the Religious beliefs, or the the entire Religion. Over the years so much has been speculated about this group, and I too have interested in this topic since I am an owner and it affects my wallet if the property I pay to maintain is repeated abused year after year!
With regards to the other owners and guests that have to endure the emotional distress of a lousy time while on vacation I would finally say ....
Share the information on
1) Trip Advisor, The other Aruba forums, Flyertalk , FB, twitter, or whatever social media you prefer. Just stick to the facts, and emphasize that you have nothing against their personal beliefs. It is just the abusive behavior that is offensive.
When this group realizes that they are being noticed by the Social Media community they may begin to modify there actions while in Aruba.
2) Write / Call / Complain to Marriott as well!
3 Sue you may want to include the findings in post 199 in your sticky.
One of my favorite consumer advocacy moves of all times was when the passenger stranded on a Northwest Airlines aircraft in a snowstorm called the CEO of Northwest Airlines at his home to tell him that he was being held hostage on one of his jets. Similarly, I'd be checking public records for the home addresses and phone numbers (in the Orlando area) of Steve Weisz, Lee Cunningham, Marylynn Clark, and Brian Miller, and I'd contact them at their homes to ask for their assistance controlling the chaos at the Aruba resorts for which they have responsibility. Maybe this will change their "cost of doing business" attitudes about the Week from Hell in Aruba.
the Anti Deformation League
They promote good prenatal care, do they?
Here's another way to think about it. What ever is damaged or broken by this group is replaced by a bond they put up front. This means that some of the items that would have hit 'end of life' and need to be replaced by your maintenance fees are now being replaced by their bond.
Their bad behavior is actually helping you keep MF's low and/or avoid a special assessment.
I have been pondering an aspect of this thread for the last few days. I did find out early on, via an external website, that the group responsible for ruining peoples' vacations was also required to put up a bond. That's good, but also really sad that it must be this way. In no way can this bond replace a good vacation gone bad.
What I can't figure is how all the repairs are accomplished in the short turnover between occupants? The money may be there, but are the resources? I sure wouldn't book at the resort in the month following this abhorrent behavior.
Once we visited Mazatlan the week after easter festivities and endured trashed hotel lobbies, inoperative pools/spas and broken glass everywhere. I am sure it was weeks before everything was back to order.
It didn't help the Aruba Ocean Club owners a few years ago.
We did not have a special assessment because of this group.
We did not have a special assessment because of this group.
Of course not. But I was responding to the comment that this group's bond would prevent Special Assessments - that obviously didn't happen at the Ocean Club.