@Braindead, I don't mean to ignore you. But honestly, I had stopped following this quite some time ago. I'm not interested in buying, using, selling, etc. Just not my thing and I lost interest (too many other things going on) and I couldn't keep up. But I do see my name mentioned and so will comment briefly. Yes, for sure, I did cancel and rebook. I never felt it was a scam, nor do I now. It was something Wyndham sales people would use as a selling tip. They would leave out that there was a risk involved (your reservation could get picked up by someone else or on rare occasions (overbooked resorts or maintenance issues) and come back).
While we are in the confessional, I also rolled points. Again, something Wyndham used as a sales incentive. Only they said you had to have developer purchased contracts in order for it to work (surprise, resale contracts sufficed). BTW, my father was ready to purchase MORE points from Wyndham, and would have had I not been there. He was in his early 80's at that time. Instead, I purchased my first resale contract following that meeting.
Sales people did not try to sell the stripping, to my knowledge. And I don't think Wyndham had a good handle on what was going on (which continues to blow me away and gets back to my shame on Wyndham comments). And for the record, it was something I chose not participate in. Not meaning to sound holy than thou, just where I chose to draw the line.
I like to think that maybe by now I've recovered the unbelievable amount of money my father spent for his VIP account. No guilt in using the account in the manner it was advertised and big bucks were spent.
As far as resale earning VIP benefits? If Wyndham wanted to stop it, sure they could. I say too may VIPers buy resale just for that reason. And they pay the maintenance on those accounts. And Wyndham needs that revenue stream. Otherwise, they would stop it. And we all know that could happen at any time. But until then, I'm in. And feel now guilt, do not consider it scamming. Wyndham is fully aware this is how the system works, I sure don't feel like I'm doing anything wrong.
I manage the account for my family and that guides the decisions I make. Sure, it has gotten to a point where I'm the one deciding what's ethical, risky, etc. I've drawn the line on areas that I thought would put the account at risk. I have my family to answer to, and that is what matters to me.
On a humorous side note, when I first realized we could cancel and rebook, I called Wyndham and asked if it was really okay. They confirmed, happily, sure you can. And they would help you. But the first couple times they told me, and I believed them, that I had to use guest confirmations to put different names on the reservations. In the old system that was not true, until 15 days from checkin, and I bet I burned 10 guest confirmations before I figured it out. The price we pay for education