I just found this article dated 27 January 2020:
US disease researchers are pushing the government to be more transparent about federally funded research that involves making pathogens more deadly or more transmissible.
Researchers studying viruses in the lab sometimes deliberately make them more dangerous to help prepare better responses to outbreaks that might occur naturally. In 2017, the federal government began requiring that any National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant proposals involving gain-of-function research undergo a review by an expert panel to evaluate the risk of such work against the potential gains.
“We’re not trying to say the policy is wrong, we’re trying to say the policy is ambiguous,” says Marc Lipsitch, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts and one of the researchers calling for greater transparency around such work.
"An expert panel is considering how much to reveal about a largely secret review process of 'gain-of-function' research.
An expert panel is considering how much to reveal about a largely secret review process of 'gain-of-function' research.
After watching
I wonder how Dr. Fauci and EcoHeath could have funded the Wuhan lab when they were not completely sure whether the Wuhan lab conducted the 'gain-of-function'' experiment.
Dr. Fauci trusted the Chinese scientists, his grant must not have been reviewed by this expert panel about the 'gain-of-function' research.
What are the current rules for disclosing risky disease experiments? US officials must get serious about writing the rules for the 'gain-of-function' research.