This is an interesting thought. A friend of ours who lives in Honolulu correctly told us that the Halekolani Hotel was staying closed until sometime next year, then he incorrectly, at least for now, said that the Hilton Hawaiian Village, which is where we usually stay, was staying closed until January 1. When I heard that my reaction was that the Top Management of the Hilton Hawaiian Village in concert with Central HGVC had had ENOUGH of the wait another month, wait another month that the Governor has been dictating. Furthermore, I don't know how the pay situation is for the Personnel at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. I would assume the hourly union employees have been laid off and are collecting unemployment insurance, however, the Managerial Employees may have been kept on the payroll since April when the HHV closed. I would immagine that some of the Managerial Employees would lose a considerable amount of income being on unemployement insurance even with the $600 surcharge. How long could and would HGVC and Hilton Hotels keep Managerial Employees on the dole for doing nothing? If you are making those decisions you think well another month is OK, but another 3 months, 6 months ...?