Me too, and yes, that is a word.Six. And, is that a word?
EARLY seemed like an appropriate starter word. Not bad, getting the ending Y and an R in search of a home. Next, I went with PIOUS to flush out any remaining vowels and found a U. I was leaning toward the U belonging in position 2 and the R in either 1 or 4 but I couldn’t think of any words with it in position 4. So, I noticed that RUMMY and RUNNY would work, Tried them in that order and nope. Then, I saw RUGBY and was sure I had solved it. The gods are laughing. I looked and looked and finally decided to try RUDDY as I thought it might be a word but I wasn’t sure. I guess it is.
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OK, you made me look up the definition. Still don't think I'll be using it in a sentenceA rare 2 for me.It helps that this word comes up often on hellowordl, which I play frequently.
Six. And, is that a word?
EARLY seemed like an appropriate starter word. Not bad, getting the ending Y and an R in search of a home. Next, I went with PIOUS to flush out any remaining vowels and found a U. I was leaning toward the U belonging in position 2 and the R in either 1 or 4 but I couldn’t think of any words with it in position 4. So, I noticed that RUMMY and RUNNY would work, Tried them in that order and nope. Then, I saw RUGBY and was sure I had solved it. The gods are laughing. I looked and looked and finally decided to try RUDDY as I thought it might be a word but I wasn’t sure. I guess it is.
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Today was a great example of the difference between modes. The common letters found early still left MANY potenential words with so many remaining letters.
Me too.Phew... Six.
You and I were very much alike.