Zippo on guess 1. POUTY is a word I often use when ALIEN bombs; the worst it can possibly do is give one vowel, out of position. The gods where chortling as POUTY gave me that least productive outcome possible.
So for guess 3 I need to start focusing on consonants, and I want to see if maybe the word has two Os. BROOM seems like a good word, and finally I get some traction. I resist the temptation to plug in CROSS at guess 4, because if I make a misstep I could bomb out. So I start working out what words would fit a xROxx pattern, and I come up with six. DROSS; CROCK; CROWD; CROSS; FROCK; GROSS. And I'm glad I decided to not make a stab at solving.
So I need an elimination word, and GAWKS looks as if it should thin out the options. GAWKS does narrow my choices down to CROCK and FROCK. I have two guesses left so I'm OK. If I miss on guess 5, I should have it on guess 6. I decide to go with FROCK, and I chose wisely.