And I am not defending Festiva. I am in opposition of the truth being bent by either side of the discussion. If you feel the need to use innuendo to make your point, then I will post the the facts that have been reported. FestivaRep has specifically denied the allegations you have raised regarding the business relationship. Now you want to speculate that they are not paying m/f's. To continue to speculate without any proof is not reasonable. By extension you can speculate that the housekeeping staff is slave labor imported from China. No, I cannot disprove that allegation either.
In my mind, engaging in such behavior just diminishes the valid points you have made.
So we can bicker about the fine points if you want. But to provide some balance to the discussion, I will continue to point out inaccuracies in your posts. As you pointed out, you are free to ignore my posts in that regard.
I have been out of town and don't feel like a full blown battle since my battle is actually against Festiva/ Outfield, not Eric, however I can't let your assertion that you have pointed out inaccuracies go unanswered. My inaccuracy according to you is because I feel that there is some business relationship between Festiva and NEVS and I feel that they are probably not paying MF's/assessments on unsold weeks they own. You have no proof that they are paying MF's on weeks they have that are unsold, but you immediatelly call my postulation wrong. How about letting Festiva rep answer since you have no proof that they are paying MF's and assessments on all of their unsold weeks? You simply assume they pay, you have no knowledge or proof that they do. For you to to continue to speculate that they pay MF's/assessments on all of their unsold weeks at all of their resorts without any proof is as you said not reasonable.
You call it proof that my statement is wrong because Festiva Rep denied any business relationship with NEVMS. So that statement is now fact although no proof has been presented? I am glad to hear that you are not a lawyer. When asked on the stand if an accused committed murder and they answered no, I assume you would feel no need to cross examine because the question had already been asked and answered. I guess when Richard Nixon said that he had nothing to do with Watergate that should have been the end of any speculation that he might possibly be involved. Once Cliff said that Outfield didn't have an office in Texas all discussion of that should have ended because any discussion from that point was purely was conjecture. When Cliff denied making posts here as anyone other than NEVMS and I questioned the validity of some of the fake posters, you criticized my treatment of new guests and criticized my questioning their validity. You apologized to them (Cliff) for my questioning who they were just because they said they weren't Cliff (what did you expect Cliff to say?). Your assumption that I had insulted a real guest was innacurate and my speculation that the posts were made by Cliff was correct. Of course it was Cliff and since then even you have acknowledged that it was Cliff. Had we simply have gone with Cliff's answer as you suggested we would never have known for sure that Cliff was Mass, cape,viv,stein, etc. I must point out your inaccuracies.
For one of us to make a statement here or question a possibility without proof is speculation that is unacceptable to you. On the other hand for Festiva/Outfield/NEVS to make a statement here immediatelly becomes a fact that you feel needs no further discussion, disbelief, or investigation?
If we are to take everything stated here by Festiva/Outfield/NEVS as the gospel truth as you suggest then Festiva Points will easily get you 4th of July weeks on the Cape, RCI is cancelling it's relationship at all Festiva Resorts, weeks are worthless, Festiva points are worth a lot, everyone is swapping to points, outfield does not have an office in Texas, Outfield fires or retrains any sales people that lie, Outfield no longer uses pressure or lies to sell FAC, Cliff has never posted here using an alias, Cliff doesn't do business with Outfield because it would be wrong, NEVS doesn't have to pay MF's or assessments on any weeks they own, Festiva isn't being sued by Owners at the Atrium, Festiva didn't lose the Missouri lawsuit (they settled and paid restitution which FR didn't consider a loss), and many other truthful facts we should believe because they were told to us by Festiva/Outfield/NEVS (of course these facts were proven to not be true). Heck why keep discussing anything about Festiva/Outfield/NEVS here because all we have to do is read their posts and trust their posts to be 100% accurate. The only innacuracies here apparently are posted by those of us who have been told enough lies to question anything they say.