View attachment 15906
I want to bump HitchHiker71 & Jan M. excellent posts back up to get this thread back on topic.
I thought my post last night was on topic with their post.
Obviously others didn’t see it on topic. For that apologize to ALL.
I also didn’t expect to see the absolute hatred the next poster showed[screenshot above] with someone liking that hatred within 5 minutes.
For that to come from a TUG Leader is unbelievable to me.
I don’t know if others have noticed the drop off of some regular posters in this forum over the last 6 months like I & others have!!
A couple of months ago I received a very nice thoughtful PM from a regular poster asking if I was alright since I hadn’t posted much lately. Yes I was alright just tired of the crap.
I believe this forum is going down hill fast.
You can no longer say you’re a proud happy Wyndham Owner little alone say your a proud happy VIP Wyndham Owner on this forum & feel good about it.
I remember a thread a poster wanted to know if there are any happy Wyndham owners here.
Think about that for a little while. Why would that be a question that needs answered??
We’ve lost more regular posters this week not just me.
From my wife of almost 40 years[the only one I’ve had] & I along with our close knit family with children & grandchildren,
We wish all the Wyndham Owners,Trolls , Agents & all families on TUG a prosperous 2020
and a Happy New Year!!!!