DW and I will celebrate 40 years of marriage next month. She has been retired for about six years, but I am still working and--since I own my own business--I can kind of call my shot on when I retire. I'd love to keep working until I'm 70 because I enjoy my work, so that's still several years away.
As for household chores, it's about 70/30 with her doing most of it. My jobs are maintaining the yard and garden, taking out the trash, doing the laundry (which isn't that much since there are just two of us), and cleaning the bathrooms. In terms of household management, she pays the bills, I handle the investments, and we both discuss and agree on making any major purchases like furniture, appliances, or vacations.
With regard to the last item, owning timeshares has really simplified the whole vacation process for us. Fortunately, we're pretty good at planning ahead, so about mid-year of the current year, we take a look at our calendar for the following year and start planning where we'd like to go on vacation and--once that's determined--I go to work trying to land reservations. We usually take three trips each year--one to our home resort in Carmel, one through a trade to a destination we haven't been to before, and one that's what we call a "give-cation". Last year, for example, we traveled to Columbia to visit one of the children we support through a Christian organization called Compassion International. After many years of providing monthly support to her and her family, we had the chance to actually meet her and her family. It was both an honor and a great encouragement.
Finally, with regard to division of tasks, I'm really fortunate: DW and I never have discussions about who's doing what, who did more than whom, why one doesn't do more for the other, or anything of that sort. In other words, no one is keeping score. She does all the cooking, for example, and when she calls me at work and says, "I'm stumped: what would you like for dinner tonight?", I usually reply, "Any good leftovers? No? Okay, let me take you out to dinner."
I married above my station, and I'm a lucky man.