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Westin St. John [Master Thread]

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TUG Member
Feb 1, 2006
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Bel Air, Maryland
Time for a bump...
{getting excited for our annual StJ/WSJ visit}

Travelocity YouTube video for (some of) the beaches on StJ

Us too!!

We just got back from a Southern Caribbean cruise and got a little taste of island life. We left San Juan and had stops at Barbados, St Lucia, Antigua, St Martin and St Thomas. They were all different and were special in their own way, but none of them are St John!


TUG Member
Dec 26, 2012
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Yes, it is tempting, but that week is going to be a tough sell. Week 39 is a low season week in a studio -- I think the seller has done everything he can (prepaying mfs and closing) to give it away, but he will have to find a taker who wants to go there every late Sept.

Larger units rent for slightly more than the studio mfs for that particular week -- I think I saw a redweek posting for a 2bd/3bth rental for $2100 for that same week.



TUG Member
Dec 26, 2012
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Not saying it wouldn't work for anyone.

I'm saying it might be a tough sell since that particular week can likely be rented at or lower than current mfs. And that person would need to be happy with a week 39 every year.



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Dec 20, 2005
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Its a free unit.

If you use it for a few years and give it away, it only will cost you mf of those years.

Or - if week 39 and similar weeks work (low season) - you can pretty much rent from an Owner for what the MFs cost. Or use SOs for a SVN exchange. Without the hassle of owning.

I see that Ryan beat me to it... check out RedWeek - there are plenty of weeks for rent below or at the MFs - especially in low season. There are ~14 studios that are below or at MFs listed on RW. Heck, there is an studio (April 2014) for $1000/week.
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Dec 20, 2005
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WSJ-VGV B41-B42 Vote for Permanent Wall

See thread re: VGV vote for putting in a solid wall for B41-B42.
{in case you missed it}


I would hope that all WSJ Owners that read this forum make sure your HOA has your current info.


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Dec 20, 2005
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WSJ-VGV HOA Update, March 2014 (Part 1)

March 2014

Dear Fellow Virgin Grand Villas Owner:

This is our report on the 2014 Annual Meeting of Owners, and the March 2014 Meeting of the Board of Directors, in which we participated as your owner-elected directors. Both meetings were held at the resort, albeit in the usual windowless conference room.

Energy costs

The top issue for discussion was energy costs. When we wrote to you in November, the utility company that supplies electricity to the Virgin Islands was charging users 48 cents per kilowatt-hour, about four times as much as many people pay on the mainland. By March, the cost had risen to 51 cents per kilowatt hour. Increases have averaged 11% a year in recent years. Electricity is a major component of our budget (and our maintenance fees) over which we have little control – except that we remind all owners to turn off the air conditioning and lights when you leave your villas, and please ask your guests and those to whom you rent to do the same.

Clearly, we have to be able to generate more of our own electricity. As you know, we now have solar energy panels on the roofs of buildings 41, 42, 43 and 44, but they generate only a small fraction of the energy that we need. Starwood is planning to put many more cells at various places on the hotel side of the resort, including the roofs of many of the buildings there, and invited us to participate in the project. No decisions were made at the March meeting, but the Board will probably decide to put solar cells on the roofs of the hillside buildings. In that event, there will be no acquisition or installation cost to us; an outside vendor will supply the equipment, and in return, we will agree to buy electricity from that vendor for about 34 cents per kilowatt-hour, a price that will be guaranteed for at least twenty years (with a 2.5% annual increase). However, the hillside roof panels, like those on buildings 41 through 44, will not generate very much electricity supplying only a small portion of Virgin Grand's electrical needs.

The vendor also proposed to install a field array of solar cells on the ground in front of buildings 31 and 32. This field array would have generated quite a lot of power, but prior to the meeting we asked the vendor to lay out some panels of cells in that area so we could see what they would look like. We determined that they were too unsightly and would spoil the view from those buildings, and we will not support that installation. We understand that the Starwood-appointed members of the Board agree with us.

So we have turned to examining an alternative solution to fulfilling our energy needs, which we have mentioned in past communications to you: generating our electricity with two 200 Kilowatt micro-turbines powered by liquid propane. This cogeneration system, which would be located either at the back of the "boneyard" behind building 44 or on the hotel side of the property, would (together with the existing and proposed roof-mounted solar panels) generate all of the energy that we anticipate needing. The cost to us would depend on the price of liquid propane, but at current prices it would be about 33 cents per kilowatt hour (plus two cents per kilowatt-hour for a long-term maintenance contract). It is unlikely that future increases in the price of liquid propane will be greater than the rate at which the price of electricity has been rising. The company that sells this equipment assures us the system is quiet (that is, not audible at night from the nearest residential building) and odor-free.

In pursuing the cogeneration alternative, we would have to make a one-time purchase of the micro-turbine equipment, but the saving in energy cost is so significant that the increase in maintenance fees to recoup the cost of the equipment would be entirely offset, even in the first year, so there would be no maintenance fee increase attributable to the purchase. Furthermore, the cost would be completely recouped over seven years, and for at least the thirteen years after that (the expected life of the equipment is 20 years), the equipment would generate our electricity and we would pay only for the propane that we use. After seven years, we estimate that we could save an average of at least $50 per average unit week in maintenance fees, compared to the current cost of electricity.

Starwood has installed a similar, though not identical, system at The Westin Princeville Resort in Princeville, Hawaii, and it is about to become operational. We deferred any decision about proceeding with the cogeneration alternative until the Princeville unit is functioning and has been demonstrated to be quiet and odor-free. In addition, we asked several questions about safety (such as whether sensors could be installed to alert personnel immediately if there were any propane leak) and we are awaiting answers to those questions. If everything is satisfactory, the Board could decide to purchase the equipment next year.

The vote on buildings 41 and 42

Owners in buildings 41 and 42 received a ballot this year on which they could indicate whether they opposed or did not oppose the construction of a permanent wall to separate the single large upstairs bedroom in their units into two separate bedrooms, at no cost to them. Under the bylaws, such a wall could be constructed in a unit only if all owners of that particular unit affirmatively agreed to such construction.

Owners of 466 unit weeks voted "yes," and only five voted "no." Unfortunately, those five were from owners of five separate units, so no wall can be constructed in units 4111, 4112, 4113, 4114 and 4214. In the other seven units in those two buildings, there were no negative votes, but in each of those units, not all owners voted. Because construction requires the affirmative approval of all owners, no wall can be constructed in the other units either, but the management company has undertaken to contact the 162 non-voting owners by email to find out whether they oppose construction or just didn't bother to vote on the issue. If you are such an owner, please respond to management's inquiry, and please do not oppose construction lightly, because, as you can see, owners of these units overwhelmingly support the building of a wall. (If you are one of the five owners who voted "no" and you change your mind in view of this report, please send one of us an email to that effect).

Villa exchange posting website

As you know from our previous reports, at our suggestion the Board appropriated funds to hire an outside contractor to create a password-protected website through which VGV owners could exchange unit weeks with each other, as well as offer weeks to rent or purchase, or seek units to rent or purchase. The contractor has been exceedingly slow to fulfill the contract, but the website is close to the launch point. At the annual meeting, Board Chair Teri Castleberry showed screen shots of the various pages.

Recently, a technical glitch was discovered (having to do with the email address to which responses to owner "ads" are sent). We have been advised that this will be resolved very soon by changing the listing form that the owner completes for the ad. After this change is made, there could be up to two months or so during which Starwood integrates our website into mystarcentral.com, which will be the point of access; this is necessary for security and privacy.

Many owners who were present at the annual meeting expressed strong interest in making this launch a priority, and a Starwood representative who was present at the meeting offered to expedite the integration with mystarcentral once the glitch is resolved.
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TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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WSJ-VGV HOA Update, March 2014 (Part 2)

Construction at the resort

Refurbishment of the resort (and the conversion of some hotel units into the new Coral Vista timeshare development) is proceeding rapidly. The poolside buildings already look much better. The main pool deck has been expanded by 4,000 square feet, and there are 75 additional chaises. Within the next year, the dock area will be improved, the beach café will be reconstructed, the fitness center will be refurbished, the lobby will be spruced up, and the gatehouse will be moved from the Virgin Grand side of the road to the hotel side, with an electronic gate for automobile access to the Virgin Grand side. In addition, a footpath will be built adjacent to the most heavily trafficked part of the access road between the main road and the lobby. A lock has been installed on the freecycle shed, which you can open with your room key – only Virgin Grand occupants will be able to access the shed. Even with all the construction going on, the resort has regained its four-star rating on TripAdvisor.

At present, no footpath is contemplated between Virgin Grand and the St. John Market on the main road. However, if you believe that a footpath should be created as a safety measure, because at present owners must walk (and even wheel carriages and strollers) in the road, please send an email to General Manager Mike Ryan at mike.ryan@westin.com He has offered to raise this issue with the Virgin Island authorities if there is sufficient interest.

More StarOptions and Starpoints

The resort has become such a desirable destination that Starwood has increased, effective 2015, the number of StarOptions and Starpoints associated with our units. This will make it harder to trade into Virgin Grand and Bay Vista, and easier for St. John owners to exchange to other SVO resorts or to convert for hotel points. Here is the new allocation.
{SO Chart did not copy}

Short-term investment of maintenance fees

The management company receives the great majority of maintenance fees on time (by Jan. 17 this year), but it spends the money throughout the year. We noticed in the management company's report to the Board that the maintenance funds were earning only .01 percent interest in a money market account. Meanwhile, short-term (e.g., 6-month) CDs were paying up to .5 percent interest. In response to our inquiry, we were told that the funds would be invested in short-term CDs very soon. We asked that in future years, the funds be invested in secure short-term investment products more promptly, and management agreed that this should be done.

Sale of foreclosed units

We have continued to foreclose on unit weeks whose owners were not paying their maintenance fees. The association currently owns 66 unit weeks, with more coming through the pipeline during the coming months. We are going to hold another bargain-basement sale in April, with prices as low as $500 to buy a unit week in a studio in the off-season. Watch your email later this spring if you are interested in buying one or more additional unit weeks at very deeply discounted prices.


At present, all of Virgin Grand is a no-smoking zone. Some owners and guests are smokers, and a few have been smoking on balconies and the pool areas to the disturbance of others. General Manager Ryan is going to create a small number of smoking areas at locations that will not intrude on non-smokers. If you are a smoker, please smoke only in those designated areas (and do not smoke on the property at all until those areas are established). There are already some designated smoking areas on the hotel side of the road. ("No smoking" signs will also be posted at the hillside pools).


In our last report, we advised owners that although check-out time from the villas is 10 am, some owners and renters were not leaving their villas at that time, delaying check-ins and requiring us to pay more for cleaning staff on turnover days (which is then reflected in our maintenance fees). It appears that owners have paid attention to this advice, because the percentage of people checking out on time has increased. However, management is continuing to monitor the situation, and if the late check-out problem recurs, management will have to consider imposing a penalty fee for late check-outs (as is done on the hotel side).

Minor matters

Several owners have noticed that because it is necessary to use two different remote controls (TV and Bose) in a specific order to play a DVD, it is often necessary to call Service Express or to rent a ten-year old in order to synchronize the devices. Mr. Ryan will have a card printed, for each villa, with step-by-step instructions on how to play a DVD.

When the hillside villas are fully occupied, it is sometimes difficult to park on the hillside because the cars are parked inefficiently, with half a car-length between them. Mr. Ryan is going to remedy the situation by painting parking space lines on the driveways.

Management is looking into trimming the trees to improve views of the bay from the hillside villas, without removing too much landscaping.

Management has installed 23 mosquito traps in inconspicuous locations around the property. While owners might have trouble locating these traps, the mosquitoes don't seem to be having a similar difficulty.

We sometimes receive questions from new owners regarding issues that were fully addressed in our prior reports or in prior reports from SVO. Starwood will attempt to archive all of the prior reports on the section of mystarcentral.com that is dedicated to Virgin Grand owners.

In June of this year, the chaises at the hillside villa pools will be replaced by cushioned chaises like those at the main hotel pool.

The hillside pools have been re-decked with tiles that don't heat up in the sunshine and both pools have been equipped with motorized chairlifts for users with less mobility. As we requested, shade sails have been installed, providing much more shade at the pools. And the poolside grills are now much improved.

There had been a problem with the bottom bed sheets in many units: they did not fit under the very thick mattresses. We understand that all of those sheets have been replaced with sheets that will tuck under the mattresses.

Finally, we want to express our appreciation to the resort's management and staff, and to SVO's management and staff, who have worked very hard over the past few years to make our resort an outstanding property. And we'd like to end this report with a particular shout-out to Mark Dunham, Starwood Vacation Ownership's Vice President of Facilities Management, who has done a superb job of investigating the options for reducing our energy costs, presenting them to the Board of Directors in a clear way, and responding to all the questions with which we pepper him.

Your elected directors,

Philip G. Schrag

Robert Werbel
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Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Starwood contacted me yesteday to try and get me to buy through them. "Pricing will go up for everything Jan 1st. for hillside and Bay Vista." They were trying to sell me an eoy in gold season for bay vista 2 bed for nearly 22K. NO THANKS!

Thanks to tug I know to buy resale!

Interesting. We just bought an EOY 2bdrm Bay Vista in Platinum Plus season for $12.5k on the secondary market.

Big thanks to everyone on this site for guiding us in this process. This thread is gold (or platinum). :banana:


TUG Member
Feb 1, 2006
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Bel Air, Maryland
Interesting. We just bought an EOY 2bdrm Bay Vista in Platinum Plus season for $12.5k on the secondary market.

Big thanks to everyone on this site for guiding us in this process. This thread is gold (or platinum). :banana:

Very nice!

Hope you enjoy WSJ and all of VI like we do.

Henry M.

TUG Member
Apr 5, 2006
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Austin, TX
For anyone interested, I got a notice of a listing for a 1BR unit at VG, Unit 3327, Week 21, Sat. to Sat. for $500. This is by far the lowest price I've seen for any WSJ unit.

If you're interested you can contact Lynn Giovanna, with Island Real Estate, at lynngiovanna@gmail.com.



Feb 12, 2013
Reaction score
Very nice!

Hope you enjoy WSJ and all of VI like we do.

Thanks! We love the WSJ and STJ in general. This is our first foray into the Timeshare world though. We've been casually looking for a while and this one seemed to jump out as a good deal and the EOY is a good way to stick our toe in the water.

I find myself continually looking for other weeks that become available so I'm guessing this won't be our last purchase. :D


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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For anyone interested, I got a notice of a listing for a 1BR unit at VG, Unit 3327, Week 21, Sat. to Sat. for $500. This is by far the lowest price I've seen for any WSJ unit.

If you're interested you can contact Lynn Giovanna, with Island Real Estate, at lynngiovanna@gmail.com.


A 1-Bd Plat+ Week 16 WSJ-VGV had a winning auction price of $5 on eBay - this will be worth 81K SOs in 2015. The lowest price for a 1Bd Gold+ WSJ-VGV (like week 21) has been free on the TUG Bargain Deals (actually think 2 weeks were given away). Amazing...

Plat season villas (VGV and BV) will have a 50% jump in 2015.


TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Interesting. We just bought an EOY 2bdrm Bay Vista in Platinum Plus season for $12.5k on the secondary market.

Big thanks to everyone on this site for guiding us in this process. This thread is gold (or platinum).

Congrats - glad you are happy with it.
Enjoy StJ.


TUG Member
Jan 21, 2013
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Madison, CT
At present, no footpath is contemplated between Virgin Grand and the St. John Market on the main road. However, if you believe that a footpath should be created as a safety measure, because at present owners must walk (and even wheel carriages and strollers) in the road, please send an email to General Manager Mike Ryan at mike.ryan@westin.com He has offered to raise this issue with the Virgin Island authorities if there is sufficient interest.

Thanks for sharing all that info, and especially above. I'll definitely email regarding this.

All of the things that are going on in VG wil have such a positive impact on those units and the entire resort, so it's great reading.


Mar 27, 2014
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New Hampshire
Bay Vista Questions


I own in BV and find the HOA and the ever truthful sales office enjoy the game of finger pointing in their efforts to avoid answering questions. I am hoping this user thread might have some insight to share.

I am curious if anyone knows how much of BV has been sold? I understand once a certain threshold is surpassed the SVO Board of Directors can be taken over by...ummmm....actual owners with vested interest.

I am also interested in knowing if anyone remembers the option of the "ultra" ownership when you originally purchased- prior to 2011???? My sense is they introduced this option after the fact(~2011) as a means to increase sales as they were incredibly slow. The 'Ultra' is essentially a locked week/unit without calling it locked. Like everything out of that sales office it is a scam and has resulted in those with float weeks having a harder time getting their requests.

Thanks for any help you can give!



TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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I own in BV and find the HOA and the ever truthful sales office enjoy the game of finger pointing in their efforts to avoid answering questions. I am hoping this user thread might have some insight to share.

I am curious if anyone knows how much of BV has been sold? I understand once a certain threshold is surpassed the SVO Board of Directors can be taken over by...ummmm....actual owners with vested interest.

I am also interested in knowing if anyone remembers the option of the "ultra" ownership when you originally purchased- prior to 2011???? My sense is they introduced this option after the fact(~2011) as a means to increase sales as they were incredibly slow. The 'Ultra' is essentially a locked week/unit without calling it locked. Like everything out of that sales office it is a scam and has resulted in those with float weeks having a harder time getting their requests.

Thanks for any help you can give!


Hi Kathy - welcome to SVO TUG - it is good to have more BV owners on this thread that tends to be VGV-centric.

Sales is full of questionable information and tactics. This unfortunately is status quo in the TS world. I would argue that SVO and the other big ones are probably the most ethical (as bizarre as that is) - as they do have a good product, but are never going to disclose flaws.

Re: BV HOA - a few thoughts. No way they are ever going to give up control of the HOA (and as often argued here - be careful what you wish for...). This thread started over maintenance issues at VGV, then morphed into getting some real owners on the HOA BOD (even to the dismay of some... not me) which we accomplished - and sadly lost a few friends over and fortunately made some - as the issues had become divisive. However, this still only represent 2 of 5 BOD positions, but at least we have better transparency {see email to VGV Owners above}. SVO BOD always have control os the board even with 'owners' on board - usually SVO picks who they want on board. We had a Tugger try and get onto the WKORV BOD and got denied. They control the voting.

Not sure how much of BV is sold - I would imagine at this point probably in the range of 75-80% (guessimate) based on how long BV sales has gone on, and that they are now building the CV phase. However, remember that they will always control some percentage of the villas as they rent them out for profit that does not go back to the HOA (not saying it should...) - these numbers are generally around 10%.

This thread may actually contain info on the 'ultra' ownership at BV. Weird... I just threw away all my info packets on WSJ BV and WKORVN during a Spring Clean-up at home (Robin has too much time on her hands... ;)). I do recall something about an Ultra Ownership and this is not uncommon for the high-end SVO resorts. WKORV, WKORVN, and WPORV have some form of this ownership (of course comes with a premium). Maybe a BV owner can chime in - but not sure how many read this thread. I keep it up just to piss-off an ex-Tugger {sarcasm - inside joke} - seriously, because I have a vested interest in WSJ and love StJ (and wish I could live there 4-6 months a year). Also, this thread was started to help create transparency at VGV (somewhat successful) in order to improve ownership because there is power in numbers (very important in the SVO world).

Hope this helps...
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TUG Member
Dec 20, 2005
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WSJ-VGV (St. John)
WKV (Scottsdale)
Thanks for sharing all that info, and especially above. I'll definitely email regarding this.

All of the things that are going on in VG wil have such a positive impact on those units and the entire resort, so it's great reading.

I think I will email as well even though I do not walk to the StJ Market. However, knowing StJ this will be a difficult proposal (heck, they haven't even completed Centerline Road repairs). That low section (Guinea Gut?) is a flood zone, and they just spent Fed highway dollars to repair the bridge (and water flow-through) after the last flood.

Of course, maybe Mike Ryan knows whose palm to grease in the USVI/StJ government... (that would start with Mr Smalls - as close to a criminal you can get - which appears to be the norm in USVI. Yet, the Chamber of Commerce is giving Mr Smalls an award - too funny...)


TUG Member
Jan 21, 2013
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Madison, CT
Did two WSJ related things yesterday - paid our 2014 BV MF ($2400 for 3br, and for some reason was due in March) and contacted Mike about the walkway.

August can't get hear soon enough!


TUG Member
Feb 10, 2012
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2nd week of june!

Starting to plan for our fabulous week in St. John!! Hoping for an evening with David and Robin? We have a fun crew coming this year!!
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