Merry Christmas
Maybe I'm more forgiving...I kind of like the idea that he's (SumDay)willing to come he and discuss things.
That said, yeah...there is just no reason to be repeating information that you know to be wrong, or fail to catch the most obvious defect. I mean, come on, you guys know just as much as the rest of us. Afterall, Sumday does attempt to portray itself as one of the better companies to do business with. So, act like it.
BTW, the comment 'we strive for the same mediocrity as everyone else' should really sting IF you are concerned with your reputation here @TUG.
Personally, I think you do so don't let stupid stuff like that happen. Or at least when it does, bend over backwards to fix it.
Thank you for stating you are more forgiving. I have found that some on TUG are more critical of Sumday Vacations than other companies out there, probably because they can place a face with Sumday Vacations and can't place one with the big box transfer companies. Hopefully that does not describe you.
I have a team of staff that verifies all the pertinent facts being represented on ebay. I also have a team of staff that lists on ebay and our website. Both teams continually check each other and I check both but it still never catches every error because there simply aren't enough hours in the day. I'm not going to have another heart attack over whether or not someone stated it was deeded instead of right to use, after all that's what this string was about.
The majority of our purchaser's are repeat timeshare owners and know what they are looking at in an advert. I wish I could say we are perfect but I'm also a realist and know that it will never happen, that does not mean I'm placid, stagnant or mediocre in our pursuit of bettering our transfer process.
Atleast one of you cite my BBB report and I would like to state several things that are not commonly known.
1. The BBB of Southwest Missouri will not allow any timeshare organization/service company to become a member if they started that company after the year 2000. However they will allow timeshare developers. I have tried to become a member since 2003.
2. Please look more closely at the complaints I receive. About half of them are not about Sumday Vacations, they are about a sales company that the person dealt with. That sales company referred the client to Sumday to transfer their timeshare but the client thinks they bought Sumday, so the consumer files a complaint about sales issues and they think that Sumday was the sales company. Our local BBB chapter will not remove those complaints from our record and place them on the appropriate sales company. This greatly reduces the BBB's rating of Sumday Vacations
3. The BBB of Southwest Missouri says that it rates businesses based upon volume. For the year 2011, we dealt with 5,366 sellers and 6,892 buyers. That is more than double the volume of several timeshare resorts in Branson, yet they have 3-7 times the complaints and an A rating. Is that a fair rating system or one that allows the large corporations of timeshare to protect their image?
I have many times thought that I should do as some other transfer companies do, base their corporate office in some other state that allows timeshare companies to be accredited and also allows them more control of their rating. If your not a member you are rated much more severely than a member. I have chosen not to do that because I believe that it is wrong but I do believe my local BBB chapter is tainted.
Anyway, each year we get a little better, maybe one of these years we'll live up to everyone's standards.