Glad you are OK, Panina. Cliff had the entire back side of his car sheered off last Friday, and every day I check with him to see if he has any aches and pains. Best I can tell from going to the scene with him the next day, he probably could have been deemed partially at fault for making an unsafe left turn, but since the guy who hit him just kept on going, doesn't look like that will be the case. He turned left on red after being in a T intersection waiting to make a left turn into the plant nursery that made up the T. The traffic coming toward him was in two lanes, but the lane closest to the curb gets wide there and as cars would proceed through the intersection a third lane appears. I suspect someone pulled out of the right lane a few cars back and roared through the intersection on the red light while Cliff was turning left in front of the stopped traffic. He thought he'd hit a curb or a pot hole, did not even sound like a car accident to him and he never saw what hit him. A lady pulled into the nursery to see if he was OK and to tell him the other driver kept going. Another man stopped to get our bumper and other various parts out of the street and hand them to Cliff. Since Cliff is almost 82 and he had clearly been in front of someone to allow them to rip the back of the car apart, I suspect there is some sneaky code somewhere that will flag our insurance account -- that is if we don't see an increase next time because of this anyway. Car will be gone 3 weeks at the shop.