Something I wrote in 2003 for a ladyfriend's marriage.
Marriage Survival Kit
1 HIS packet
1 HERS packet
1 Bottle of Fine Whiskey
Instruction For Use
Groom should open the HIS packet.
Inside he will find a gold coin with a Queen on it, This is to remind him that the Princess that he has now married is now his Queen. Queens are imperious and demanding. This is their ancient right. Having married your queen, you are required to follow and obey her whims, no matter how strange they may seem. Although this is impossible for any husband to do, you are required to divine her thought, and obey them before she speaks.
Bride should open the HERS packet.
Inside she will find a gold coin with a King on it. This is to remind her that the knight in shining armor that she has married her is now her King. Kings are dominating and decisive, and have the honorable, noble, and inalienable right to be wrong. This is their ancient right. Having married your King, you are required to allow him to be wrong, and not complain about it. . . MUCH.
The Bottle of Fine Whiskey
Should either member of Royalty decide that despite everything, they can no longer fulfill the requirements above, that person is required to swallow their wrath, sit down with the spouse, and share the bottle of Fine Whiskey, followed by several kisses, and let nature take its course. This should maintain a contented marriage for as long as their livers hold out.
P.S. The spouse who opens the bottle is required to replace the empty for the next occurrence.
WARRANTY – If this doesn't work, the giver will accept the refund of the unused booze and both gold coins back. He's cheap and greedy.