That's not far from real life. In my life working for some large consulting firms, at first I was amazed, then later jaded, at the response when revenues started falling and "cutbacks" were needed.
So we need to cut overhead - in the consulting world, that means people who aren't doing work billable to clients. So where do we start - let's cut the marketing budget and staff!!!
Right - our revenues are dropping, so let's slice the part of our organization that generates revenues. Because cutting the part of the organization that generates revenues is going to help stablize revenues????
I got in a spat one time with my boss when we doing staff assessments during a time of cutbacks. He was drilling into things based on who wasn't meeting billable hours goals, with a list of staff who looked as if they were targets to be cut. This was a seller-doer client manager format - our senior project managers were responsible for bringing in work and managing the projects as well.
I challenged my boss- I noted that the senior managers for those same employees were meeting their billable goals, and I suggested (actually I knew for certain) those managers were doing work themselves that could be delegated, so that those managers would meet their billable hours goals and thus escape the bosses eye. But I said, given our current work circumstances, wouldn't we rather have those managers spend that time out meeting with clients to generate new work and backlog, instead of them helping burn off our dwindling backlog.
He agreed with me that made sense. Then he went ahead and laid off everyone on his list anyway, and in our next meeting he praised those same managers for setting an example for the rest of the staff on the importance of meeting billable goals during difficult times.
That was one of several similar issues that caused me to start to unwind my tenure with that outfit.