The closing fees at the Chateau is 750. The selling fees are contained within the winning bid price so my 1750 is 1000 for seller, the rest for closing.
Did your 2000 include the closing fees (waiver fee aside).
Based on info I have learned on the forums here, the Closing fees are mostly whatever the closing company choose to charge for them, rather than based on the property. There are certain fees associated to the property, for example, fee for ROFR, and transfer of ownership through Marriott, however these fees are not that expensive. The rest is for the closing company to prepare docs, postage, county recording fees and fee for escrow(if used) etc.
Ebay sales tend to come with a requirement to use their closing company, who tend to be a bit more expensive than others.
In saying all that, my purchase was $2000 plus closing, but the Waiver document that I received only had the purchase price on it plus $50 that I arranged to pay back to the seller for ROFR.
From what I have read, most closing companies will include the closing costs in the submission for ROFR, so there is a good chance that yours will be submitted at $1725, but I recommend discussing this with the closing company to be sure you have the best chance.
Best of luck and I hope it passes for you.