Are people getting Aspire credits for MF making charges in whole dollar amounts like $200 or $250?
Asking because I had charges at Elara ($199 club dues and $655 resort activation fee) that didn't trigger the Aspire credits even though Elara is included in the resorts that should trigger the credit. I think
@letsgobobby had a similar issue at Elara, can't remember if that was resolved after calling? (I think it was resolved but couldn't find the follow up post about it) I never called about mine because I hate the time and hassle of calling about stuff like that.
@1Kflyerguy reported that his resort activation fee at Elara triggered the Aspire credit but I believe that was in a previous calendar year.
I did have charges at Boulevard later on that did trigger the credit but they weren't even dollar amounts, they were irregular amounts (ie - $51.67 rather than $50). Curious if those with whole dollar amounts had issues with the Aspire credit? I'm wondering if that was the reason why my Elara charges didn't trigger the Aspire credit.