I am in the process of purchasing resale at WSJ CV.
I own a fixed winter week in VGV and wanted something to go with it.
After looking at all the options, CV worked for me because of the flexibility in booking different unit sizes for different length of stays all year round.
The maintain fee for the 2BR in my "season" which is the time of year (late fall) I will most likely use the ownership is less then BV and VGV.
I can also book a studio at 8 months to bump up against my winter week.
I would not be buying this if I wanted a winter 2BR, maintain fees are very high and a resale in VGV or BV makes more sense financially.
This may be an ownership where low season points have more value in the long run
And I was not looking for this, it was offered to me after someone liked/commented on a photo I posted on Instagram :ignore:
I am (most likely) the first resale buyer of CV; I know this because I am the first person to request an estoppel. It took them 6 weeks to prepare it because they could not decide how to do it

Starwood does not handle the transfer, they have contracted an outside company....still waiting for that paperwork to be generated.